In addition to the Public Safety, Judiciary, and Civil Law Budget we passed last night, we’ve spent the past week vetting components of our complete state budget proposal on the House floor, with the next step being negotiations with the Senate. So far, we’ve passed budgets for the following areas:

This is a behind-the-scenes look at how we vote remotely from home using fingerprint technology.
I am particularly thrilled about the Energy and Commerce Budget we passed yesterday. As a member of the Climate and Energy Finance and Policy Committee, I’ve had the pleasure of contributing to crafting the legislation. Minnesota is one of the fastest warming states in the nation, but we are not without solutions to this issue. By setting a clean fuel standard, Minnesota can become a leader in reducing transportation emissions. Our bill also provides the tools necessary to employ the technologies that can bring energy efficiency to homes throughout the state. We can build the clean energy economy and create jobs that Minnesotans deserve, and the budget we passed last night advances us on that path.

State Fair Community Vaccination Site Open to Dakota County Residents
The federally supported State Fair Community Vaccination site has expanded opportunities to connect more Minnesotans to COVID-19 vaccines.
The site has now been open for over one week and in that time has vaccinated more than 25,000 Minnesotans with their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Additionally, the State Fair location is vaccinating nearly 300 Minnesotans every hour. They will be offering Pfizer first doses for one more week (through May 3), before the site focuses on second doses.
Minnesotans can call the Minnesota Department of Health’s hotline to schedule appointments directly (833-431-2053) in a multitude of languages, and MDH has ensured a large number of translators are on site daily, with an ADA accessible drive through option, and are offering a free Metro Transit pass to every registrant. Appointments are filling quickly. Sign up now!

Keep in Touch
Please continue reaching out with feedback, comments, or questions anytime at Don’t hesitate to let me know how I can be of assistance.
Thank you for the honor of serving our Apple Valley and Lakeville community members at the State Capitol.
Robert Bierman
State Representative