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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Aisha Gomez (DFL)

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Legislative Update - Town Hall Tomorrow

Friday, March 21, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

This week, DFLer David Gottfried was sworn in as the House’s 134th member after winning a special election for an open seat in Roseville. That means the House is back to the 67-67 tie voters delivered in November, and the previously negotiated co-governing agreement is now in effect. House committees will rotate gavels, with DFL and Republican co-chairs setting their respective agendas and bill hearings.  

We have a lot of work to do and very little time to get it done. I’m hopeful that we can find enough agreement to put forward a budget that doesn’t completely harm Minnesotans. But, given some of the bills we’ve seen so far, we are starting pretty far apart.

Town Hall Tomorrow

Remember to come out to my town hall with Rep. Anquam Mahamoud at the Hosmer Library! We will have a discussion about the 2025 session, raise questions and concerns, and gather with community. Coffee from May Day Cafe will be provided.


Medicaid not Millionaires

While President Trump and Congressional Republicans look to subsidize tax cuts for the wealthy by reducing federal funding for Medicaid, I introduced legislation that would raise taxes on millionaires at the level necessary to offset any cuts to this crucial program. Medicaid is the largest single source of health insurance in Minnesota, serving senior citizens, children, families, and people with disabilities.

At a time when so many Minnesotans are struggling with basic costs, it is morally reprehensible to cut life-saving Medicaid services so the richest among us can hoard more money and watch the numbers in their bank accounts grow. What we tax, and what we fund, shows who we are and what we value. Trump has shown that he doesn’t care about the average Minnesotan, only his elite sycophants. With this legislation the DFL is standing firmly with working-class Minnesotans in the face of extreme wealth inequality.

Democrats Defeat Shoot First Bill

This week I helped to vote down HF 13, Republicans’ Shoot First bill which would remove Minnesota’s long-standing duty to retreat to prevent the escalation of violence. If passed, this would lead to even more gun violence victims and more loss of life. 

Currently, 27 states have Shoot First laws, and every one of them has a higher rate of gun deaths than Minnesota, with the average rate of gun deaths being more than twice Minnesota’s. Shoot First laws are also associated with heavy racial bias. A study in Florida found that white shooters killing Black victims is deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the situation is reversed.

Over the past two years, House DFLers took action to reduce gun violence by requiring criminal background checks and creating Extreme Risk Protection Orders. These policies are already making a difference. In fact, Minnesota has one of the lowest firearm mortality rates in the US, in large part to our sensible and safety centered gun violence prevention laws.

Vote Against Anti-Trans Bill

The GOP brought a hateful and dangerously invasive bill to the House floor that would ban trans kids from playing sports. The biggest threat to women and girls isn’t transgender girls who play sports, it's predatory men. HF 12 is dangerous and discriminatory legislation which scapegoats a small and vulnerable group of Minnesotans, while opening our kids up to invasive "transvestigations." I'm proud I voted against HF 12.  Watch a lifelong student athlete speak to the cruelty of this bill.


Real ID Taking Effect in May

Beginning May 7, 2025, Minnesotans 18 years of age or older will not be able to use their standard driver's license or identification card to board domestic flights or enter certain federal facilities. Instead, they will need one of three options:

  • Minnesota REAL ID driver's license or identification card.
  • Minnesota Enhanced driver's license or identification card.
  • Other federally-approved forms of identification. They are listed online here, but include:
    • U.S. passport or passport card
    • Foreign government-issued passport
    • U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
    • Permanent resident card
    • Border crossing card
    • Federally recognized, tribal-issued photo ID
    • U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents

If you are not sure which license type is right for you, check out the Driver Vehicle Services’ website here.

Keep In Touch

As always, feel free to reach out with any feedback or questions you have for me! I always appreciate working in partnership with you. You can also follow me on my Facebook page

In solidarity,

Aisha Gomez
