As the pandemic explodes across the state and nation, many of our small business owners, workers and families are still struggling. Tuesday, Gov. Walz and DFL House legislative leaders announced an aid package to assist our neighbors and friends who have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. We are working to reach a compromise measure for us to pass in an upcoming special session.
I am specifically working to make sure our breweries, distilleries, and other local businesses who have been the most impacted by COVID-19 are prioritized in relief.

On Monday, Governor Walz announced the launch of COVIDaware MN, a new tool to keep Minnesotans informed as the virus surges across the state. COVIDaware MN is a mobile app that sends an alert if the user is in contact with someone who contracts the virus. The app is free, anonymous and voluntary. To learn more and download the app, click here.

We’re Number One!
Once again, Minnesota led the nation in voter participation. On Tuesday, Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon announced 79.96 % of eligible Minnesotans participated in the 2020 General Election. You can read more here. Congratulations, Minnesota!
Help for Hennepin County Small Businesses
If you are impacted by the closure of your small business because of COVID-19, there are resources available in Hennepin County. Click on this link to learn more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
This will be an unusual holiday for most of us. While you may not gather with family and friends, I hope you will take time to reflect on the all the things for which we can be thankful.

I joined a bipartisan group of legislators this week to promote the Pledge to Defeat COVID-19. You can watch the news conference here.

If you were unable to attend the District 60 virtual town hall last week, you can click here to view. Thank you to everyone who took time to participate and ask great questions.
You can continue to contact me at or (651) 296-4219. Be sure to “like” my official state representative Facebook page!
Thank you for the privilege of serving District 60A in the legislature.
Sydney Jordan
State Representative