Hello from the State Capitol,
We’ve all been outraged by the amount of fraud that’s been seen in state government over the past few years. To date, taxpayers have lost more than $1 billion – that we know about – thanks to people who are scamming the system for their personal gain.
One of my top priorities this session is to stop the waste, fraud, and abuse that is occurring throughout state government. That’s why I am co-authoring legislation that will ensure your tax dollars are being spent as intended.
The first plan being offered this session would establish a centralized Office of the Inspector General. It would be charged with the task of combatting fraud and abuse in state government. The bill requires agencies to halt payments when fraud is suspected and mandates the creation of a fraud reporting hotline.
Another proposal would mandate fraud reporting for state agencies and equip them with additional tools to identify and prevent fraudulent activities including mandatory site visits. This bill also emphasizes transparency and swift action to address fraud concerns.
A third bill requires establishes “fraud notes,” a groundbreaking tool to assess the susceptibility of proposed legislation to fraud. Similar to fiscal notes, fraud notes would provide lawmakers with an evaluation of potential fraud risks before enacting new programs or policies. The plan would add additional accountability to agencies to make sure that they are following through with recommendations made by the Legislative Auditor to address matters of waste, fraud, and abuse in their agencies.
More than $1 billion of your tax dollars have been lost on Governor Walz’s watch, and an all Democrat-led legislature refused to even acknowledge there was a fraud problem. Honestly, stopping fraud should be a non-partisan issue, and its my hope that House Democrats will finally show up for work and join us in approving legislation that stops the waste, fraud, and abuse taking place in our government.
On Wednesday, hundreds of Minnesotans from around the state arrived at the State Capitol to take part in the 2025 MCCL March for Life, and I joined them at this important event.
According to MCCL, the event marks the anniversary of abortion’s legalization with an unforgettable remembrance of those excluded from protection by our state’s extreme pro-abortion laws—and a compelling call to rebuild a Minnesota where both moms and babies are valued and loved.
It’s always good to see some friendly faces from the northwestern corner of our state traveling to the Capitol to rally for the rights of the unborn. My thanks to all that attended and made their voices heard.
I was glad to get a chance to visit with Kelly Taggart from Thief River Falls, representing Minnesota’s guardian ad litem program.
This program is mandated by state and federal law to advocate for and protect the interests of neglected or abused children across the state. I want to thank her for the informational visit on the important work guardians ad litem do in looking out for the best interests of children.