As the first Indigenous woman from Greater Minnesota elected to the Minnesota House, it was with great humility I took the oath of office last week to serve District 4A. I carry the responsibility of those before me and look forward to serving our entire community by representing voices from all walks of life.
The past year has been extremely difficult, and I am committed to doing my very best to be a strong voice for creating a healthy, inclusive and safe Minnesota for everyone. I will work with my colleagues – and with you – to heal our entire community.

I was joined on the Speakers’ dais by my son and Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan
I have been appointed vice-chair of the Preventing Homelessness Policy Division and will also serve on the following committees: Education Policy, Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy, and Higher Education Finance and Policy.
You can follow the committees here:
Preventing Homelessness Policy Division
Education Policy
Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy
Higher Education Finance and Policy
Vaccine updates
COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out across the state. You can read the most current information on the statewide data here.
New Public Health Guidance
Minnesotans working together slowed the spread of COVID-19 across the state. Recognizing our progress – but understanding we need to remain cautious – the opening of more activities and sectors of the economy began Monday:
- Indoor dining at bars and restaurants can open at 50 percent capacity, with a maximum of 150 people. Parties of no more than six people must remain six feet from other parties; bar seating is open to parties of two; reservations are required; and establishments must close dine-in service by 10 p.m.
- Gym capacity remains capped at 25 percent but maximum capacity increases to 150 and classes can increase to 25 people, assuming distancing can be observed. Machines and people must maintain 9 feet of distance. Face coverings are required.
- Outdoor events and entertainment continue at 25 percent capacity, but maximum capacity increases to 250 people. Social distancing is required.
- Indoor events and entertainment – like bowling alleys, movie theaters, and museums – may open at 25 percent, with no more than 150 people in each area of the venue. Face coverings are required, and they may not offer food service after 10 p.m.
- Youth and adult organized sports have resumed practice as of January 4 and games resume January 14 with spectators, following the appropriate capacity limits for indoor or outdoor venues. Inter-region tournaments and out of state play are discouraged.
- Places of worship remain open at 50% capacity but without an overall maximum capacity.

We will continue to operate remotely in the Minnesota House in accordance with public health guidelines but will ensure openness and transparency for the public.
The House has expanded the number of simultaneous committees it can?webcast live?from a maximum of two to five, so you can stay current on issues moving through committees this budget session.
I welcome your questions and comments anytime. Call me at (651) 296-5515 or send an email at
Thank you for the privilege of representing you in the legislature.
Heather Keeler
State Representative