It is an honor to serve Moorhead and Oakport Township at the State Capitol. As your State Representative, I’m committed to helping our community recover and rebuild from COVID, while ensuring affordable health care, equitable educational opportunities, and clean water for all Minnesotans.
I’d like your feedback on issues that may be discussed this current legislative session. If you would like to provide input, please go online to this LINK to take my legislative survey.
Clean Water Council
I have been appointed to the Minnesota Clean Water Council, which was created to advise the Legislature and Governor on administration and implementation of the Clean Water Legacy Act. Clean water is vital for health, economic development, recreation - everything that makes Minnesota a place we want to live and raise our families. I’m honored to be a part of the effort.

Many Minnesotans are unemployed, and if you are looking for work, check the list of job openings at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. Employers are looking for you!
COVID-19 Vaccine Update
The good news is COVID-19 case numbers and positivity rates are trending downward in Minnesota and the vaccination process is also improving. The federal government is gradually increasing the supply of doses, and the state is adapting the process to ensure that the vaccines we receive are distributed more effectively and equitably. More information is available on the state’s Vaccine Data Dashboard.
Energy Assistance
Help is available with utility bills, to repair or replace homeowners’ malfunctioning furnaces, and to purchase fuel for delivery in emergencies with Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP). Homeowners and renters with young children, people with disabilities, veterans, seniors, and those experiencing unemployment or financial hardship because of the COVID-19 pandemic are especially encouraged to apply until May 31.
Additionally, the state’s Cold Weather Rule is in effect until April 15 which prevents utility shut offs if you sign up for a payment plan with your energy provider. More information on these protections is available from the Public Utilities Commission.
Stay connected
The House has expanded the number of simultaneous committees it can?webcast live?from a maximum of two to five, so you can stay current on issues moving through committees this session.
The Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services offers nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. Subscribe to receive these here. To track bills of interest through the legislative process, I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature on the Minnesota House of Representatives’ website here.
Contact me anytime at I welcome your questions and comments. Also, you are welcome to “like” my Facebook page.
Thank you for the privilege of representing you in the legislature.
Heather Keeler
State Representative