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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Luke Frederick (DFL)

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Legislative Update - Minnesota’s Budget Forecast

Friday, March 7, 2025
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Dear Neighbors,

Yesterday, Minnesota received our latest budget forecast, which is a key tool in how we craft our state budget this session. 

At first glance it’s similar to the forecast we received late last year, showing a surplus for this biennium. However, things take a turn for the worst down the road for future budgets, and the only thing that’s changed since our last budget forecast has been the inauguration of President Trump and the ensuing chaos of his administration.

Our budget is a statement of our values, and despite a record under DFL leadership of producing balanced, responsible budgets that built a better Minnesota and left our future stronger, the Trump Administration’s goal of cutting crucial services to subsidize tax breaks for billionaires is not sustainable for anyone.

Trump's Economic Impact

Our values include looking out for our neighbors, lifting up the vulnerable, building a solid foundation for working families, and producing an education system where our kids can thrive. It’s a lot more difficult to realize these goals when we don’t have a serious partner in the White House, and everything we’ve seen since inauguration day has only made it more difficult for Minnesotans to build a better life.

It’s time our Republican colleagues return to the bread-and-butter issues that support our communities - not the chaos and cuts that only benefit the wealthy.


Investing in Our Communities

A special election in Roseville next week is expected to return the House to a 67-67 tie. Once that happens, I'll serve as the DFL Vice Chair on the Capital Investment Committee - where I'll be working to ensure we pass a bonding bill that not only benefits Mankato, but the entire state.

That why I have no problem calling out bad bills that hurt our ability to invest in Minnesota, like I did in committee this week. You can watch those remarks here.


Bonding bills - funded by selling state bonds - are an incredibly useful tool for investing in our communities. They help fund public infrastructure like wastewater facilities, college campuses, state parks, and so much more. We’re overdue for another one, and while I’ll be working to pass that bill, I’ll also make sure bills that impair our ability to do so - like House File 4 - do not.

Mankato at the Capitol

Another great week of constituent visits! Including a visit from the folks at MAPE! The Minnesota Association of Professional Employees, is made up of the Minnesotans who work in various segments of service to our state. The high quality of life we enjoy here, and the effectiveness of our government, is thanks in large part to them!

Minnesota School Social Workers also had their “Day on the Hill” this week. It’s always great to hear from these local professionals that do so much for our kids.
Social Workers

As always, thank you to everyone in our community that makes the trip up to St. Paul. It’s not always easy, especially during the winter, but making your voice heard is important!

Stay Connected with the Minnesota Legislature

With session underway, the Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services will once again be offering nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. Subscribe to receive these here. To track bills of interest through the legislative process, I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature on the Minnesota House of Representatives’ website. You can also visit my House of Representatives website.

I welcome your questions and comments anytime. You can send an email to or call me at (651) 296-3248. Also, please visit and “like” my Facebook page for more Capitol and community updates.

Also, there’s more info to come, but be sure to save the date for our upcoming Town Hall, which looks like it’ll be on Saturday, March 22.

Thank you for the privilege of representing you in the legislature.



Luke Frederick

State Representative