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Dear Neighbors, When decisions are being made that drastically alter workers' lives, they deserve a seat at the table - that's why I stood with labor leaders and state workers this week. |
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Decisions that impact thousands of workers who serve Minnesota should not be made lightly. You can read more about the stand workers are taking here.
Investing in Housing This week in our Capital Investment Committee, when the DFL held the gavel, we focused the entire hearing on housing. A lot of attention can be given to stadiums and other big-budget projects, but some of the most life-changing work our committee can do is help fund the creation and preservation of homes so more Minnesotans have a place to lay their heads at night. |
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If you’re interested, you can watch our committee hearing here.
As a member of the House’s Human Services Finance and Policy Committee, I’ve seen how important Medicaid is for our state, and for the lives of thousands of Minnesotans. It’s incredibly interconnected in how we care for people. In last week’s update, I went over several bills I’m working on to support substance abuse disorder treatment, and Medicaid reimbursements were a huge part of that. |
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Our plan simply states that if funding is going to be stripped away from Medicaid, we’re going to build it back up with the tax breaks these millionaires are getting. I’m happy to see alternative plans from my Republican colleagues, but this is not an issue where we can stick our heads in the sand and do nothing.
If you’re interested in watching the committee hearing these bills, you can watch it here. Session Daily provided a nonpartisan article on HF 2037, which you can read here.
Stay Connected With session underway, the Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services will once again be offering nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. Subscribe to receive these here. To track bills of interest through the legislative process, I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature on the Minnesota House of Representatives’ website. You can also visit my House of Representatives website. Regardless of whether you were able to join us last weekend, always feel free to reach out to my office with any questions, comments, or ideas you may have. I always appreciate hearing from you! |
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You can send an email to rep.luke.frederick@house.mn.gov or call me at (651) 296-3248. Also, please visit and “like” my Facebook page for more Capitol and community updates. Thank you for the privilege of representing you in the legislature. Sincerely,
Luke Frederick State Representative |