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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Sandra Feist (DFL)

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Legislative Update from Rep. Sandra Feist

Saturday, February 22, 2025
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It’s been a busy couple of weeks here in Saint Paul as we ramp up committee work and introduce bills to help Minnesotans in all aspects of life. I’m excited to hear bills in committee that I’ve been working on for months, including a follow up to last year’s transfer on death deed (TODD) bill. The updated language clarifies that the law is retroactive and makes updates related to joint ownership of property and eminent domain. This bill has bipartisan support, including a Republican co-author, and is a great example of the good work we can do for Minnesotans when we work together. I expect the bill to head to the House Floor as soon as next week! 


Last week, I also dropped my well-child visit bill to ensure that parents don't skip these visits for fear of unpredictable charges. We need to ensure parents can attend these important annual doctor's visits, which are critical for children’s wellbeing and growth, as well as for public health. You can learn more about this bill here.  

While I’m excited about the bipartisanship happening in the House, I am nonetheless concerned about some of the bills Republicans are attempting to push through committees during their one-seat advantage. In addition to legislation restricting reproductive freedom, Republicans are attempting to take residents without lawful immigration status off of any and all public programming, including healthcare.  

Last term, we expanded access to all low-income Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status, a move that improves our healthcare system. This week, I met with physicians from District 39B that stressed the importance of opposing this bill as a matter of public health. By prioritizing preventative care, we take strain off of emergency services. Workers without lawful immigration status already pay their fair share in local, state, and federal taxes, and deserve to have the healthcare they need. Furthermore, access to healthcare is a right, not a privilege.  

As an immigration attorney who has heard from so many fearful Minnesotans afraid for their own and their family members’ safety under the current administration, I feel particularly passionate about the messages we send when we introduce and present legislation. Harmful and exclusionary legislation that sends a message of exclusion and isolation has no place in Minnesota. 


Legislative Commission on Data Practices

I’m excited to announce that I’ve been appointed to the Legislative Commission on Data Practices! Alongside Representative Steve Elkins, I’ll be serving as a DFL appointment on the commission for the next two years. The Legislative Commission on Data Practices and Personal Data Privacy was created to study issues relating to government data practices and individuals' personal data privacy rights and to review legislation impacting data practices, data security, and personal data privacy. I had the honor to serve on this Commission last term as well and find these technical issues challenging and meaningful. (There’s a reason I founded the Nerd Caucus!) 



Civility Caucus Dinner

We had a great turnout for our first Civility Caucus event of the legislative session! This bipartisan, bicameral effort to gather together truly enhances our relationships and ability to collaborate on legislation for the good of all Minnesotans. Looking forward to gathering again later this session.  



Inner Circle podcast

I really enjoyed the opportunity to visit with the Inner Circle Podcast to answer questions and share thoughts on immigrants' rights, the current moment in immigration law, and how we can all be proactive and collaborative in moving to a better place where immigrants always feel welcome and safe.  

You can watch the episode here


Working for our Students

CH Visit

I had the chance to visit Columbia Heights Public Schools last month with my colleagues Sen. Kunesh and Rep. Koegel. While there, I was able to share updates about my work on compensatory education funding. Since we moved to universal school meals (which is helping Minnesota families afford their lives), we've needed to update how we calculate funding for students who need extra academic support. I'm working on a bill that would use Medicaid certification data and give schools more flexibility in how they use these resources.  


Eye of the Storm – a new newsletter feature!

These days, the news can feel relentless, and the stakes of our federal and state government functioning feel very immediate and scary. To fight through the uncertainty and fear, I find calm where I can – in my family, in exercise, in meditation, and in being blessed with the literal cutest, sweetest dog of all time (sorry, but you won’t convince me otherwise).  

I thought that it might benefit the community to share something reassuring, peaceful, or plain whimsical when I send out my newsletters. We all deserve a moment of peace in the eye of the storm.  

So – here is the very first installation: 



Stay in Touch

Unfortunately, due to technological restraints, replies to this inbox won’t reach me. If you have questions, ideas, or feedback that you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out.  

I want to stress my gratitude to those who have reached out in opposition to HF12, a bill targeting trans youth, over the past few weeks. It’s been heartwarming to see our community maintain our compassion and commitment to equality and justice, especially in the face of vitriol coming from the White House. I am and will be forever grateful to call you my neighbors. 

Please email me at or call (651) 296-4331 at any time to connect with me. Also, you can follow my official State Representative Facebook Page


Sandra Feist   

State Representative