St. Paul, MN – Today, the Minnesota House of Representatives passed legislation authored by Rep. Cedrick Frazier (DFL-New Hope) with a 114-15 vote. The legislation would extend existing law prohibiting restrictions on active service dogs in homes or rental units to service dogs in training and allow accredited service dog organizations in Minnesota to recruit more volunteers and ultimately change more lives.
Representative Cedrick Frazier released the following statement:
“Service dog training organizations like Can Do Canines depend on dedicated volunteers who open their homes to future assistance dogs. These volunteers play a crucial role in preparing these animals to transform the lives of people with disabilities. Unfortunately, many potential volunteers face housing restrictions that prevent them from participating in this vital work.
"I'm proud my legislation will build upon existing protections for service dogs by extending them to service dogs in training, enabling accredited organizations throughout Minnesota to expand their volunteer base and ultimately serve more individuals in need. By removing these barriers, we can ensure that more lives will be changed through the remarkable human-canine partnerships that assistance dogs make possible.”