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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Kaela Berg (DFL)

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Legislative Update - May 10, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

Dear neighbors,

I hope everyone is enjoying the nice May weather. I want to start off by wishing all our Minnesota mothers a very happy Mother’s Day!

We’re fast approaching the end of the 2024 legislative session– we’re constitutionally required to adjourn no later than May 20. Between now and then, we still have a lot of work to do, and we’re working around the clock to pass policy bills that improve the lives of middle and working class Minnesotans.

Here’s a look at what we’ve been working on recently:

House Floor Votes

In case you missed it, here are nonpartisan summaries of the bills we’ve pass off the House Floor recently:

  • A broadly bipartisan bill investing $240 million in our outdoors, clean water, parks and trails, and cultural heritage from the Legacy Amendment fund. 
  • A K-12 Education bill that boosts resources for the READ Act to improve literacy, moves forward solutions for student wellbeing, and enhances support for teachers. 
  • An Environment and Natural Resources bill with new investments in tree planting, improving air quality, holding repeat polluters accountable, and tackling solid waste and recycling. 
  • A Children and Families bill that reforms our child protection system and builds on historic investments in economic support for families, food security, and emergency shelter. 
  • A Transportation, Labor, and Housing bill that invests in railroad safety and public transit, enhances worker rights and safety, improves housing stability for renters and seniors, and funds homelessness prevention. 
  • A Workforce and Economic Development bill, securing investments for employment and training programs, 
  • A Taxes bill improving the tax system for working class Minnesotans by expanding the Child Tax Credit and creating a direct tax filing system. 
  • An Elections bill that strengthens our elections for local units of government.


Advancing Equal Rights

On Monday, the House Committee on Rules and Legislative Administration passed legislation proposing a state constitutional amendment to codify the right to equality. The legislation, known as the Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment, would submit the proposed amendment to voters at the 2026 state general election, and if approved, would take effect January 1, 2027. 

The Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment would guarantee every Minnesotan the same rights under the law, and codify protections against discrimination by the state based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or sex — including pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.

In Minnesota, we believe in freedom, fairness, and equality for everyone. This important legislation will once and for all codify those beliefs and values into law. Across the country we are seeing people’s rights and freedoms being rolled back, and this legislation will ensure that that doesn’t happen in Minnesota.


Statehood Day

This Saturday, May 11, 2024, Minnesota celebrates 166 years of statehood. The Minnesota State Flag and Seal approved by the State Emblems Redesign Commission early this year will become the official state emblems. This is a culmination of months gathering input from and engaging with Minnesotans to find consensus on a flag and seal that represents the best of all of us. 


Gun Violence Prevention

Last week, we passed a slate of bills that will reduce gun violence in Minnesota and save lives, including legislation I authored to crack down on straw purchasing and ban binary triggers. Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in the United States and it's time that we take action to make Minnesota a safer place to live. Our other bills require the safe storage of firearms, and require the report of missing firearms. I’m proud to have voted for each one of these critical bills that will save lives.

Slow Mow Summer

You’ve probably heard of “No Mow May” and may have even participated in making your lawn more pollinator-friendly! While it’s a catchy slogan, researchers from the University of Minnesota Bee Lab have modified the popular campaign due to additional research on best practices for pollinators and lawn health.

“Slow Mow Summer” takes the sentiment of “No Mow May '' and expands it to the entire growing season! Because guess what? Bees need food AFTER May, too. Many bee species do not even emerge from hibernation until June or July, when self-heal, ground plum, lanceleaf tickweed, or calico American aster may be blooming in your lawn. 

Mowing after lawn flowers bloom instead of before is the main goal of “Slow Mow Summer.” You can learn more about how best to help native pollinators, like Rusty Patched Bumblebee, survive and thrive here!


MDVA Hosting Commemoration of 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War

The Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs is hosting three days of events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. Vietnam-era veterans and their families, allies, and anyone wishing to thank our veterans can see historical displays, view Vietnam War documentaries, walk through the resource fair, and more. Learn more about the commemoration event here.


Stay In Touch

If you have questions, ideas, or feedback you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Email me at or call (651) 296-5387. For more regular updates, you can subscribe to these regular legislative updates if you haven’t already, here, and you can also “like” and follow my official State Representative Facebook page.


Kaela Berg

State Representative

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