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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Kristi Pursell (DFL)

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Legislative Update – February 28, 2025

Friday, February 28, 2025

Legislative Update – February 28, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

In this morning’s weekly legislative recap on KYMN Radio, I talked about how my colleagues and I are standing up against extreme GOP bills to restrict Minnesotans' rights, and how we are united in ensuring these hyper-partisan bills will not pass into law and won’t make it off the House Floor.

I also talk about how we are hearing bipartisan bills on issues like emergency medical services (EMS) support in the Health Committee and forestry management legislation in the Environment Committee.

It might seem like all that comes out of the Capitol is partisan fighting, and while DFLers will not compromise on our core values, we can continue to work on bipartisan solutions to other issues at the same time! Take a listen to the full interview here.


Community at the Capitol

This week Future Farmers of America (FFA) had their Day at the Capitol, one of my favorite visits of the legislative session! Our district has such a strong history of agricultural leadership and we’re glad to have FFA at Northfield High School again! It was the highlight of my week getting to spend a little time talking to these amazing students about their concerns and trying to answer their questions.

I also visited with Theresa, Laura, and Hannah about farming and sustainability issues and signed onto some good agriculture bills (even though I’m no longer serving on the Ag Committee!) and I happened to run into Northfield School Board member Corey Butler for a quick chat in the Centennial Office cafeteria, too!

2-28 Pursell Meetings

Fighting for Paid Leave

DFLers passed Paid Leave because no one should have to choose between their job and bonding with a newborn, taking care of a loved one, or taking time to recover from a major illness. Paid Leave is set to take effect on January 1, 2026, but Republicans are looking to take away this crucial benefit from Minnesotans before they can even use it.

Instead of helping workers and employers prepare for the new law, Republicans are standing with their big corporate allies in attempting to undermine the program. One bill advancing in the House would delay Paid Leave by one year. Worse, another bill from GOP lawmakers would repeal Paid Leave for all Minnesota workers.

Here are examples of Minnesotans speaking up in opposition to the Republican plan to delay or dismantle paid time to care, a move that would harm families, small businesses, and our economy.

PFML Delay Video

Minnesotans, and Americans, as we're the only developed nation in the world without guaranteed paid leave from work, deserve the economic security that comes with paid time to care, and Democrats are committed to standing with working families in protecting this important new solution for families who work and their employers, no matter the size of the business.


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