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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Kristi Pursell (DFL)

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Legislative Update – March 7, 2025

Friday, March 7, 2025

Legislative Update – March 7, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

In this morning’s weekly legislative recap on KYMN Radio, I talked about the February budget forecast and a proposed constitutional amendment we heard in the Rules Committee this week. Take a listen to the full interview here.

It's always worthwhile when I spend time meeting with constituents and advocates coming to the Capitol. I met with constituents advocating for continuing Minnesota’s strong legacy of arts investment and met with Laura and William from Arcadia Charter School in Northfield to hear how education policy impacts our charter schools and Craig (former teacher when Arcadia was ArtTech!) to hear about the requests for more full-service Community Schools across the state. Northfield is so fortunate to have this program at all three of our elementary schools!

I met with Northfield public library director Natalie Draper and folks from SELCO about their bonding bill request and other needs, Janet and Alan, two of the leaders in the Northfield Citizens Climate Lobby, came up for a visit as did Ashley, Brian, and Laura who are SWCD (Soil and Water Conservation District) managers and board members.

Pursell Constituent Meetings

Minnesota Budget Update

We’ve been seeing headlines and stories in these first two months of the new administration in Washington D.C. about Trump’s cuts hurting families, farmers, and working Minnesotans. Just this week, Governor Walz came out to talk to farmers in Stanton Township about the detrimental effect tariffs would have on our agricultural industry.

Last November’s budget forecast showed a $3.7 billion surplus over the current budget cycle, a $616 million positive balance in the upcoming biennium, and our highest-ever budget reserve fund.

But since Trump took office, Minnesota’s projected positive balance has shrunk to $456 million (and the experts were unable to factor in all of the new proposed tariffs and other policy that seems to change daily). Yesterday’s February state economic forecast confirmed that Trump’s policies will create real problems for Minnesota’s budget and economy.

Trump's Economic Impact

Republicans in Congress and the Minnesota House are fighting to preserve a system that works well for corporations and billionaires, but doesn't help the average family. I’m committed to passing a budget that helps create an economy where everyone can get ahead, and where Minnesota can take care of our families and our neighbors.


House Floor Action

While there has been some positive bipartisan movement in committees I serve on these past few weeks, unfortunately, the House Floor has largely been a different matter. Republicans could bring any number of bills forward to help increase healthcare access, support public education, or lower the cost of healthcare, groceries, and housing-and that would be broadly supported! Instead, they’ve prioritized extreme bills to be heard on the House floor that have no chance of becoming law, which is wasting time during a budget year.

The GOP brought a dangerously invasive bill to the House floor that would ban trans kids from playing sports, and allow any parent, coach, or random spectator to force girls to undergo and "pass" medical examinations. Minnesota has always led the nation in standing up for our LGBTQIA2S+ neighbors, and DFLers did so again this week by defeating this bill. Sadly, it still garnered 67 votes from my GOP colleagues, but it won't become law in our state.

The biggest threat to women and girls isn’t trans girls who play sports, it's predatory men. HF 12 is dangerous and discriminatory legislation that scapegoats a small and vulnerable group of Minnesotans, while suggesting additional scrutiny of girls' bodies and I’m proud I voted against HF 12. Watch a lifelong student athlete speak to the cruelty of this bill.

Let Kids Play

I was also glad House Democrats defeated the GOP’s “Shoot First” bill. This bill would make Minnesota less safe and set us back after all the progress DFL legislators made in recent years in curbing gun violence affecting our communities.

Currently, 27 states have Shoot First laws, and every one of them has a higher rate of gun deaths than Minnesota, with the average rate of gun deaths being more than twice Minnesota’s. Shoot First laws are also associated with heavy racial bias. A study in Florida found that white shooters killing Black victims are deemed justifiable five times more frequently than when the situation is reversed.

DFLers are united in defeating these bills on the House Floor, and we’re succeeding. Not only are these bills a waste of time, but they also send a harmful message to Minnesotans who already fear the impact that Trump’s agenda will have on our state.


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Kristi Pursell
State Representative