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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Krista Knudsen (R)

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Legislative Update 01.17.25

Friday, January 17, 2025
Knudsen Banner 2025

Dear friends and neighbors, 

It is an honor to be your state representative again. On Tuesday the 14th, I was sworn in to my second term alongside my 66 GOP colleagues. Although the first week of session is usually fun and exciting, there were several unfortunate events that took place. We found out on Sunday night that the DFL representatives held their own private swearing in ceremony at the History Center down the street from the Capitol. This is troubling because they opted for that ceremony, without notifying anyone beforehand, rather than joining us on Tuesday. Unfortunately, they chose not to come to work for the rest of the week and are still taking their paychecks. This all comes from a dispute over whether the Republicans have a majority or not, since a judge ruled one of their representatives violated residency requirements and lost his seat. The ruling changed the tied House, 67-67, to a Republican majority, 67-66. The Democrats are not willing to recognize our majority and work with us until the vacant seat is filled, so they are neglecting their responsibilities at the Capitol. 

Regardless, myself and my Republican colleagues are here and already at work for you. We have organized the House, started meeting in committees, and are looking forward to what we can accomplish this session. I am serving on three committees this year:

  • Education Finance
  • Health Finance and Policy
  • Human Services Finance and Policy

As we continue meeting in these committees, I will share with you what our priorities are and the positive changes we make for Minnesotans like you. 

You may have also heard that Governor Walz released his projected budget for 2026-2027. Included in this proposal are tax increases and long term care spending cuts. As a small business owner and mom, I know how detrimental recent tax hikes have been on Minnesotans. I can assure you that we will not let that happen again. 

Thank you again for your trust in me as your state representative, I look forward to the work ahead and the positive changes we can make for Minnesota!

Please Reach Out

You can reach my office at or by phone at 651-296-9918. Follow me on Facebook for more frequent updates.

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2424 Centennial Office Building          658 Cedar St.
Saint Paul, MN 55155 651.296.9918

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