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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Ben Davis (R)

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Legislative update

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

The Minnesota Legislature has left the Capitol for the year after adjourning Monday. It puts to rest a two-year cycle full of reckless spending, needless tax increases, extreme policies and broken promises with Democrats in full control of the Capitol.

Here is more:

More balance needed

With the record $18 billion surplus last year, Minnesotans deserved meaningful tax cuts at a time when in?ation and rising costs of living have family budgets stretched thin. Instead, Democrats went on a spending spree, increasing the budget by 40% – the largest budget increase in Minnesota history – and raising taxes by $10 billion in the process.

When the 2024 session began, it was more of the same, including raising the cost of a new worker leave program by half a billion dollars before it even begins, and many other unpopular and unnecessary tax and fee increases on Minnesotans. Along the way, Minnesota taxpayers were put on the hook for a $730 million State Office Building remodel despite Republicans proposing more reasonably priced alternatives.

The thin majority at the Capitol has used its full control to cater to the radical extreme instead of serving the best interests of all Minnesotans. We desperately need more balance at the Capitol before the far-left extremists do any more damage.

Ice rescue bill passes

Legislation I personally authored to reimburse local law enforcement for performing ice rescues received final approval this session, standing as a bipartisan achievement. It was an absolute honor working with our local sheriffs to get them some much needed reimbursement funds for unsafe ice rescues. They put their lives at risk in so many ways and this bill was one way I was able to properly recognize their efforts.

Fixing bad laws

Republicans worked in the 2024 session to correct problems created by laws passed in 2023. Most notably, this includes a fix to the tax bill, getting school resource officers back in all the buildings they had been serving, and correcting a net-operating loss issue. Legislation Republicans championed to provide an additional $30 million for Emergency Ambulance Service Aid also received legislative approval.

Extreme policies

Democrats enacted several highly controversial, partisan policy measures with one party in control the last two years. This includes adopting some of the world’s most extreme abortion policy, enacting a state-funded speech registry that could undermine First Amendment rights, passing anti-gun bills, and declaring Minnesota a sanctuary state for transgender healthcare – for children.

The attacks on our civil and religious liberties along with our right to bear arms needs to end. I will continue being a voice of truth for our district to expose these attacks so we can get our state back on the right path.

Key victory for religious freedom

Religious freedom was another high-profile issue this session after Democrats last year eliminated religious protections against discrimination claims that had been in our state for decades. A variation of Republican legislation was enacted into law this session re-establishing protections for religious entities.

I will be back with more soon. Until then, please stay in touch and let me know how I can help.

