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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Liish Kozlowski (DFL)

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Legislative Update 12.12.2023

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Dear Neighbors,   

During the legislative interim, I have been immersed in the community and traveling border to border, collaborating with local leaders and advocates to tackle the unique challenges and opportunities facing Duluth and Minnesota.  

A quick reminder that Minnesota’s “cold weather rule” is now in effect, which protects residents from having electric or natural gas service shut off between October 1 and April 30. To ensure your service is safe from disconnection you must make and keep a payment plan that you and your utility provider agree on. More information is available on the Minnesota Department of Commerce’s website.  

Although Minnesota is one of the coldest states in which to live, it’s long had no statewide law requiring landlords to maintain a minimum temperature for rental units. That changed with this year’s legislative session. Starting January 1, Minnesota landlords will be required to keep rental units at a minimum of 68 degrees from October to April, if the tenant does not control the thermostat. While there’s more work to do, the new laws are a shift toward making sure everyone stays warm, healthy, and safe all winter long. 


2023 Capital Investment Bonding Tour 
The House Capital Investment Committee completed our 14th and final day on the road this fall, visiting communities throughout the state – including right here in Duluth - to learn about regional project proposals for potential inclusion in the 2024 Capital Investment Bill. Since September, I’ve been travelling with the committee on these regional tours every other week, meeting with local officials and legislative colleagues in their own communities to gain firsthand knowledge on how these candidates for capital investment could benefit each region and the entire state. 



For the work our committee has to do next year in crafting a package of legislation to invest in Minnesota’s needs, it’s important for us to get out of the committee room and into the communities that are directly impacted. This is my first tour as a member of the committee and though specific projects change, the need for us to create partnerships across Minnesota in building a better state has never been greater. These projects are about preserving what we have, building what we need, and ensuring every Minnesotan, regardless of zip code, sees the type of investment in their community that makes it a better place to live, work, and raise a family. 


Earlier this year, we successfully passed a $2.6 billion investment in infrastructure projects and jobs, including right in our community. This package of legislation largely dealt with unfinished business due to a substantial capital investment bill - typically passed the second year of the legislative biennium - having not been passed since 2020.  As of this summer, preliminary capital budget requests submitted by state agencies and political subdivisions alone totaled nearly $7.4 billion. The committee will begin preparing its package of Capital Investments when the 2024 legislative session convenes on February 12. 

Minnesota Housing Partnership Legislative Leader Award      

Each year, the Minnesota Housing Partnership presents the Legislative Leader Award to recognize state-elected government officials who have demonstrated their strong and dedicated support of affordable housing by championing the advancement of MHP’s policy agenda and legislative priorities. This recognition is a testament to the collective power of our movement to champion housing as a fundamental human right and collaboratively promote systems change that tackles economic and racial disparities in housing. In my first session, I was proud to lead on a historic tenants’ rights package, first-gen homeownership resources, bolstering workforce and housing supply, and piloting new investments to end youth homelessness.  

MHP celebrated with a packed house of over 175 housing champions including Governor Walz, state legislators, labor unions, advocates, and state-wide housing leaders, including Duluth’s own LeAnn Littlewolf, AICHO’s Executive Director, and Henry Banks housing justice advocate, who were named 2023 MHP Advocate Leaders for their significant contributions to promoting equitable housing solutions. Together, we’ll urgently press on until everyone has a safe, affordable, secure place to call home and the live their fullest lives. 


Economic Development in the Northland 
Tremendously proud to welcome Under Secretary Don Gravins Jr. of the U.S. Department of Commerce for Minority Business Development to our community! Many congratulations to Northspan Group, Inc., Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, Entrepreneur Fund, Family Freedom Center & partners who were awarded over $2M through the Capital Readiness Program. The program provides $2 million in funding over a four-year period to help underserved entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses through the Driving Access to Wealth & Networks (DAWN) program that will further cultivate a culture of entrepreneurial support in Northeast Minnesota. As Under Secretary Gravins said, "We are not underserved, we're under-estimated and under-valued!" Only 43 recipients were selected across the nation to receive these federal funds, which paired with the state policies and investments passed in this year’s Legislative session in the jobs, workforce & labor bill, will unleash an inclusive economy that will drive economic security for all of us. Please contact Northspan at with any questions or to get connected with these resources! 


Representing Your Values  
Almost seven years ago, the Minnesota House DFL started the Minnesota Values Project (also known as MVP), a partnership between Minnesotans, elected officials, and organizations to create a shared vision for the future of our state.  Working together, we’ve strengthened our communities by improving education opportunities, making affordable health care a reality, and increasing economic prosperity for all Minnesotans – yet we know there is more to do.  

Take the survey today by clicking this link.


As we approach the 2024 session, which begins February 12, I’d like to hear your input on creating solutions as we set our next agenda and deliver on our shared values. As part of this effort, I’d appreciate it if you took part in the new Minnesota Values Project survey that only takes a few minutes, and as we build a shared vision for our state, your input is crucial in this process. The answers you and your neighbors provide will guide our work at the Capitol this spring and into the future. I deeply value engagement and input from our community and look forward to hearing what you have to say. 

Let’s Stay Connected! 

I deeply value being in this work to improve lives with you and I hope you will stay in touch throughout the interim and as we gear up for the 2024 legislative session. You can also follow my new Facebook and Twitter pages. Please reach out anytime if you need assistance, schedule a meeting or community event, or have questions at or 651-296-2228.   

It’s an honor to represent our community in the Minnesota House and to bring the Capitol to our community.    

In community,    

Rep. Alicia ‘Liish’ Kozlowski    

(They/Them), Pronouns  

Two-Spirit, Niizh Manidoowag 

Minnesota House of Representatives