Dear neighbors,
I am happy to say that since my last legislative update, the House has been constitutionally organized - thanks to the bipartisan power-sharing agreement that was finally reached.
The democratic values my DFL colleagues and I held out for were upheld. House Republicans won’t be able to kick out DFL Rep. Brad Tabke simply because they want to. That also means that should the Roseville special election in March return us to a tied House, we would then govern as such with balanced committees and GOP and DFL co-chairs.
We’re just wrapping up our first few weeks of committee hearings in the House. For me, that means spending time in the House’s Workforce, Labor & Economic Development, Taxes Committee, and Housing Finance & Policy Committee.
As part of our power-sharing agreement, committees are currently controlled by House Republicans, but in the likely scenario where the March special election in Roseville returns the House to a tie, our committees will reflect that with balanced membership and DFL and GOP co-chairs. I’m excited to serve as Co-Chair of the House People of Color and Indigenous Caucus and am excited to step in to a new role as Vice Chair of the Housing Finance & Policy Committee when we return to a tied house to drive bipartisan housing solutions to create a more equitable, sustainable, and stronger state.
House Republicans are wasting precious time on political theatre on bills that simply won’t pass the legislature as they need 68 votes to pass any piece legislation. We should be working on bipartisan initiatives to support working Minnesotans who are dealing with real issues like Trump’s manufactured raising inflation costs of eggs and gas, uncertainty about losing health care coverage with potential threats to Medicaid and MinnesotaCare, losing SNAP benefits and not being able to feed their children or themselves, or taking care of an elderly parent, or a number of things. In Minnesota, we’ve made progress in protecting and prioritizing the needs of Minnesotans. But as long as corporations continue to game the system, many working families will face the burden of a system that puts profits over people. Wealthy and powerful corporate interests — across industries and geography — have tilted the economy in their favor, and it’s time for that to change. We’re going to need to work in a bipartisan manner these next two years, but I’ll never do so in a way that sacrifices our community's shared values.
DFL’s 2025-2026 Legislative Priorities
The DFL’s legislative priorities and vision for Minnesota is much different. DFLers are working to ensure children can get the great start they deserve, and parents have the opportunity to pursue their careers by providing affordable, accessible childcare and early learning opportunities throughout Minnesota. Democrats will reduce the cost of child care for hard-working Minnesotans. DFLers are also working to ensure families and future generations can live and thrive here by making stable housing more affordable by jumpstarting construction of more starter homes and affordable homes to rent, closing racial disparities in home ownership, and cracking down on out-of-state corporations and hedge funds that are taking away home ownership opportunities from Minnesotans and illegally price gouging renters.
Additionally, DFLers are committed to supporting and protecting the freedoms of Minnesotans to make their own decisions about their lives and their reproductive rights, protecting our climate and clean water, creating opportunities for good family-supporting jobs, and a public education system that prepares students to pursue their dreams.
Video of the news conference on our priorities is available on the House DFL Facebook page.
Duluth and St. Louis County Days
The transition back to St. Paul was made lighter by the 28th annual Duluth and St. Louis County Days at the State Capitol! It was awesome to once again see folks from our region descend upon Saint Paul for the event. It's so rewarding serving a community full of such dedicated and engaged people, all of whom have made me a more effective legislator. A special thanks to the Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce for organizing another successful advocacy event, and to each and everyone who made the trek down, for amplifying our collective voice and advocate for investments that will benefit our regional economy. There’s a lot at stake this legislative session, and thanks to our community, we are well-positioned to help deliver for northern Minnesota.
Northland BIPOC Business Showcase
The 5th annual event showcased 50+ amazing BIPOC-led businesses organizations from across the Twin Ports area, community resources and entertainment, and a fashion show featuring youth from Neighborhood Youth Services Inc. Special thanks to POCI Caucus member Rep. Esther Agbaje for driving north to connect with our thriving and aspiring entrepreneurs of color and community!
Tax Season - Child Tax Credit and Renter’s Credit
Tax Season is in full swing, and there are two key credits to keep in mind as you file this year, both of which were fought for by the DFL last biennium - the Child Tax Credit and recent changes to the Renter’s Credit. To check your eligibility and learn more about Minnesota’s Child Tax Credit, please check out the Minnesota Department of Revenue's website. This is a good resource to have handy when you file your taxes and remember: if you are eligible for the child tax credit, you must file for it; it is not automatic. Don’t hesitate to reach out to my office if you need help or have questions.
Minnesota renters eligible for a property tax refund will now claim their Renter’s Credit on their Minnesota Individual Income Tax return. The Renter’s Credit will be part of their income tax refund amount and can be applied to the amount owed on their income tax return, or to other debts referred to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. Having the Renter’s Credit on the state income tax form will simplify filing for the around 300,000 renters who claim a property tax refund each year. Renters will no longer have to file a separate return and wait until August or September to get their refund. You can learn more about the Renter’s Credit on the Department of Revenue website.
New Grant Opportunities from DHS
As part of the state’s multi-pronged approach to addressing housing insecurity, the Minnesota Department of Human Services, through its Homelessness, Housing, and Support Services Administration, is seeking Proposals to provide emergency shelter, drop-in/day shelter or street outreach for individuals and families experiencing homelessness with funding from the Emergency Services Program. You can find more information here.
Proposals are due on April 7. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, local units of government and Tribal governments.
Let’s Stay Connected!
I deeply value your partnership in building a better future. I want to thank everyone that met with me, in Duluth and throughout the state, to ensure that I was able to hit the ground running once the House was organized. Talking with local leaders, organizations, and neighbors is essential in setting up our community’s legislative agenda.
Even though I’ll be spending more time in St. Paul, always feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or ideas you might have on how to make Duluth and Minnesota better. I know making the trip to the State Capitol is not an easy drive for our neighbors, especially during the winter, but if you find yourself coming down, please let me know!
In the meantime, I’ll do my best to keep you informed through these legislative updates, social media, and upcoming community conversations (details to come!) but I also wanted to let you know about some other resources to track what’s going on in the Minnesota House.
The House’s Public Information Services will once again be offering nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. Subscribe to receive these here. To track bills of interest through the legislative process, I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature on the Minnesota House of Representatives’ website.
You can also check out the legislation I am championing and co-authoring by visiting my Member Profile – from legislation to support our Duluth Public Schools and growing our workforce, expanding affordable housing trust funds, critical infrastructure investments from the Duluth Airport to Duluth water infrastructure, to strengthening tenant’s rights, and beyond. I'm proud to share that an overwhelming majority of the bills boast strong bipartisan support in shared focus on strengthening our region and making Minnesota the best place to live, work, play, raise a family, and pursue your dreams!
If you ever need anything from me, whether I’m in Duluth or St. Paul, always feel free to reach out to me at 651-296-2228 or Check out my official Facebook, including the People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) Caucus page.
I look forward to hearing from you!
In community,
Rep. Alicia ‘Liish’ Kozlowski
(They/Them), Pronouns
Two-Spirit, Niizh Manidoowag
Minnesota House of Representatives