Getting StartedGetting started here in St. Paul and getting my feet under me has been great. This place moves fast but I am very proud to be here representing the people of district 9B. |
In CommitteeIn Transportation Committee this week we heard about a number of concerning issues we are projected to face in the near future. Revenue from both the gas tax and metro transit is down. We have a huge surplus yet DemocratsDistrict are looking at all the other ways they can spend it when these shortfalls could mean huge problems for investing in infrastructure. One bill we heard was House File 7, this is a complete ban on garbage incinerators, like we have in Purum and Alexandria, which would have a number of consequences, especially for Otertail County. First, the incinerators produce electricity for the grid as well serve as a primary solution for waste management. Without them, this garbage would need to go to a landfill where it takes significantly more space to store this waste. The environmental impacts of a landfill are also worse than using incinerators. The off-gassing of the and potential for leakage is much worse than the byproducts released from burning trash, especially at such high temperatures and with ever-improving collection methods. |
Support Life in MNWe had a very sad day yesterday. House File one was on the floor for passage. It's a horrible bill that shows the extremeness of the Democrats on abortion. The democrats have even more thought with House File 91 which is even worse than House File One. MCCL said this: what does the abortion industry want to hide; no reporting, no licensing, no parental notification, and little informed consent? It deals with babies that are born alive and how they're not going to report that. In 2022, we had five babies that were born alive in Minnesota alone and with no reporting, we will have no way to present data that defends the lives of the unborn or even know what doctors do in cases of partial-birth abortion. I will continue to fight for the rights of the unborn as we continue our work at the State Capitol. This week was heavy but has also left me with a resolve to keep fighting as many other issues come before us and I pray this body will do what is best for the lives of everyone in Minnesota. |
Stay Up-to-DatePlease reach out with and legislative concerns and follow me on Twitter @TomMurphyMN and check out my official Facebook Page for daily updates on the important issues at the capitol. |