BREAKING MINNESOTA NEWSWatch this video: Legislative Democrats - with 14-minutes of public notice - slide TWO new gun bills that infringe on Minnesotans’ Constitutional rights into large their Public Safety omnibus bill. Click here.
![]() WHAT'S NEW?I loved being able to meet up with the Goodhue 6th Graders in Saint Paul while they toured the Minnesota History Center and Minnesota State Capitol!
Very fun!!! I’ve chaperoned this trip with my own kids and never would have guessed I’d be the state representative greeting them! Loved the hugs and smiles!!!
This session began with the Democrats being handed a $17.5 billion dollar surplus that then grew to $19 billion.
So where is that money? What happened to the campaign promises of giving that money back to the Minnesota taxpayers who created it and were essentially over-taxed? That surplus was spent! Not only is it gone, but in addition the Democrats have increased our budget by 35% going forward. For any fiscal conservative, these numbers are hard to understand. It is shocking to realize that this has happened and to have witnessed such a misuse of government power.
We are at a crossroads in Minnesota. We are a 51/49 state being run by Democrats who are in complete control of state government, only because Republicans lost one Senate seat by 321 votes. Why then are they pushing forward with such an extreme liberal agenda that would make one think we are a 70/30 or deep blue state?
![]() What we are seeing is a socialist movement. Increasing taxes to pay for their socialist programs that they are pushing on us.
The cheese is NEVER FREE!
Now, on to the slice of cheddar the Democrats threw at us this week. |
LEGISLATION HIGHLIGHTS“FREE” COLLEGE PROPOSAL WILL COST MINNESOTANS PLENTY House Democrats approved a DFL House/Senate compromise plan that will fund Minnesota’s higher education budget for the next two years. Included in this agreement is language that offers “free” college tuition for Minnesota students if their family has an adjusted gross income below $80,000.
Specific language in the bill notes that more than $215 million will be spent to provide “free” college to Minnesota students at a Minnesota public post-secondary institution.
There are other problematic provisions in the higher education agreement: an 18.5% increase in spending, the deletion of workforce development scholarships which helps students who are studying in high-demand fields, and providing “free” menstrual products to students by having them placed in both girls - and boys - restrooms. This “free” menstrual product program will cost taxpayers more than $2 million.
While these proposals are nonsensical and outrageous, it’s the “free” college language, which never received a hearing much less a debate in the Minnesota House, that really takes the cake.
As many of you know, we have 5 children, each one very different from the other. One took 5 years to finish college, one did it in 3.5 years. One worked multiple jobs and was creative with earning money throughout high school and college and graduated from college with no college loans or debt. The others all took out loans and had some debt. One child decided a more expensive college was his best fit, another child wanted a low-cost college education. Here’s my point: everyone is different.
As the idea of socialism continues to creep into our daily lives and gain advocates, I would suggest thinking about the idea that state government is now going to pay for college.
And remember, much like anything else with the Democrats when it comes to spending, this is just the starting point. At what point will the “free” college family income threshold creep up to $100,000? Or $150,000?
Where is the incentive to graduate early when the government is picking up the tab? The student getting this handout literally has no skin in the game and learns nothing of fiscal responsibility. Under this provision, students are only required to take 1 credit to receive this benefit with no requirements to work toward a marketable degree – such as teaching, law enforcement, or health care to name a few – which would make the graduating college student valuable to our workforce. And what if the student decides to leave Minnesota to work elsewhere after completing “free” college, leaving taxpayers high and dry?
This plan is actually an insult to any family that put money aside in order to help their kids attend college, and to any student who spent countless hours putting in the time to get good grades and fill out scholarship applications so they could cut down on future college debt.
These measures will become law as Governor Walz has said he will sign the higher education funding proposal. And while state government is now in the college giveaway business, remember this bill does nothing to address the real problem in higher education, which is skyrocketing tuition for those who are still stuck paying for it.
COMMUNICATING OUR CONSERVATIVE VALUES OF LESS GOVERNMENT AND MORE FREEDOM After I won my election on November 8th, but November 9th woke up to find out that as a Republican party we lost everything in the State of Minnesota, I had to ask myself, what am I going to do and how will I be able to contribute in a meaningful way to help save Minnesota from this liberal trifecta? With my business, sales, and marketing background, I have tried to focus on increasing communication to the public and being the voice of the majority of common-sense people who do not live by this extreme liberal activism that we are witnessing.
One of my recent Facebook LIVE posts had over 7000 views. See the video by clicking here.
I am asked all the time: How can we help you? I ask that you continue to FOLLOW along and SHARE the news from myself and others, as the Minnesota media simply are not doing their jobs and informing the public of the radical agenda being recklessly rammed through in St. Paul.
God Bless you all and thank you for the prayers and support! |