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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Pam Altendorf (R)

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Rep. Altendorf Legislative Update

Friday, February 28, 2025

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Recently, State Representative Tom Murphy and I, along with four senators, penned a letter to U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi, asking for her help to investigate the Minnesota House District 54A election race, in which 21 legally cast ballots were destroyed in a race that was decided by 14 votes.


This was a follow up to a previous letter we sent to the interim U.S. Attorney General dated January 31st.


To me, an audit would expose any election irregularities and help bring complete transparency to our election process and rebuild public confidence in it.





Riley Gaines, Olympic swimmer and women’s rights activist, will be joining us at a girls sports rally on Monday at 11:00 AM at the State Capitol.   


I strongly encourage you to join us and bring girls from all over the state of Minnesota to rally for girls safety and protection in Minnesota sports. Lets' send a strong message that Minnesotans respect Title IX and the rights of girls to have equal opportunity to participate in girl only sports.





Do you employ anyone? Do you collect a paycheck? If so, we learned this week you’re soon going to pay even higher taxes.


Minnesota’s new Paid Family Leave Program (PFLP) is set to begin in January 2026. It guarantees Minnesota workers can take 12 weeks of paid family leave as well as 12 weeks of paid medical leave per year. It is paid for through a nearly 1% payroll tax, which is split between workers and employers.


Already we’ve been warned the tax is 25% higher than was expected when legislative Democrats and Governor Dayton passed the law.


So, what will this mean for you? Believe it or not, if you are a low-income worker, you’ll be taxed at a higher rate – which you can see this on the picture below.



In other words, the less you make, the greater it’s going to impact you. But make no mistake, if you work, you will pay this tax regardless of whether you use the benefits – no questions asked.


This if implemented as passed in 2023 will be very damaging to our economy  - businesses will leave, schools will need to make more budget cuts, cities and counties will raise property taxes. A disaster is coming.


Minnesota doesn’t exactly have a track record of good governance right now. PFLP grows a new agency – 400 full time employees – just to manage/implement this boondoggle. Here is an idea: let’s have this conversation about growing a bigger government with more bureaucracy giving less tax dollars into your personal budgets when our Minnesota government has straightened out other agency inefficiencies and eliminated fraud.



FFA Day on the Hill took place this week, and I enjoyed visiting with students from the Cannon Falls chapter.


Cannon Falls


Our grandson Louie just announced that he’s going to be a big brother and we could not be more grateful!




God bless you and your families!