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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Steven Jacob (R)

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

ST. PAUL - The Minnesota House of Representatives has approved tax conformity legislation that will align Minnesota’s tax system with tax changes that have been made at the federal level. State Representative Steve Jacob (R-Altura) voted in favor of the measure.


“This is a common sense bill, so I was pleased to see strong bipartisan support for it,” Jacob said. “We needed to act with a sense of urgency on this legislation so all Minnesota tax filers can benefit from federal tax changes before this year’s tax season begins.”


Jacob said the federal government periodically passes tax laws that are helpful to filers. But if the state doesn’t conform their tax laws to what has been approved in Washington, the taxpayers aren’t able to take advantage of the benefits.


In this case, Minnesota hadn’t conformed our state’s tax code in five years. 


Jacob also noted that prior to the House floor vote, Minnesota House Republicans who sit on the House Taxes Committee prevented nearly $100 million in tax increases from being included in the conformity proposal.


The bill was approved by a 132-0 vote and has now been sent to the Minnesota Senate for its approval.

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