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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Steven Jacob (R)

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Tuesday, February 13, 2024


ST. PAUL – Lawmakers have returned to St. Paul for the start of the 2024 legislative session, and State Representative Steve Jacob (R-Altura) expects a number of headline-grabbing topics to be brought forward.


“It is irritating to return to St. Paul and see all of this construction going on next to our current office building and realizing that $730 million is being thrown away so lawmakers can have new office space,” Jacob said. “This kind of waste is what happens with one-party Democrat rule in state government, along with a blown $18 billion budget surplus, a 40 percent increase in state spending, and an additional $10 billion in tax increases.”


Jacob noted that because of the decisions made by the DFL majority last session, Minnesota is now expected to face a more than $2 billion budget deficit in the next budget cycle.


Rather than addressing this financial pitfall, Jacob said he fears Democrats will spend this session addressing more controversial topics, such as sports gambling, making Minnesota a sanctuary state, putting guns back in the hands of criminals, and legally assisted suicide.


Jacob knows other issues will also receive significant debate as the weeks move ahead. If you have questions on any legislative topic, he encourages you to share your questions and comments anytime by email at or by phone at 651-296-2273.

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