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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Steven Jacob (R)

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

ST. PAUL – Recent national reports have noted that more than 8 million immigrants have crossed the southern border illegally. Some have speculated the actual number could be close to 15 million. This has created chaos for states that have seen an influx of illegal immigrants living in their communities.


So, what has been Minnesota’s response to illegal immigration? State Representative Steve Jacob (R-Altura) said an all-Democrat controlled state government has rolled out the welcome mat and passed legislation designed to keep them here.


“It appears they are trying to bring in people and make them loyal Democrat voters at the expense of Minnesota’s taxpayers,” Jacob said. 


Last session, Jacob said the Democrat legislative majority passed laws giving illegal immigrants free health care, free college, and free drivers’ licenses. 


This year, a pair of new illegal immigrant proposals have drawn scrutiny at the Capitol. The first would make Minnesota a sanctuary state, prohibiting local or state law enforcement from assisting federal agencies in immigration cases. There’s also a universal income plan that could provide an illegal immigrant with a $500 monthly check from the state, no strings attached. Estimated cost to the state: $100 million.


“We have kids that can’t read, roads that are in disrepair, and veterans who are struggling to survive,” Jacob said. “And yet, these Democrats are prioritizing the wants of people who should not be in this country in the first place.”


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