Dear Neighbors,
What Republicans did on the House floor today was unlawful and dismissive of half of Minnesotans. Secretary of State Steve Simon adjourned session after finding there was not a 68-member quorum required to conduct House business. They moved forward with their attempt at an illegitimate power grab, including a sham election for House Speaker. Everything that happened after Secretary Simon adjourned today’s session was an act of insurrection. Meanwhile, they continue making an unprecedented threat to unseat a duly elected DFL Representative, despite a court order today declaring his election valid.
This is a constitutional crisis that Minnesota Republicans have caused by their lawless and unprecedented behavior of Minnesota’s wing of the MAGA Trump party - a party with a history of using unprecedented lawless maneuvers to try and overturn elections they don’t win.
Further proceedings at the Capitol, including committees, are out of order and are not official business. I will continue working for our community outside Capitol grounds to ensure our district and Minnesotans across the state receive continued and fair representation.
When Republicans follow the State Constitution and conduct business as prescribed, this theatrical government takeover is wasting time that we could be spending toward reaching a power-sharing agreement in anticipation of a 67-67 tied House and passing bills for the good of all of us, as agreed upon and publicly stated prior to today’s kangaroo court.
Until this matter is resolved, I am dedicated to collaborating with constituents, attending community events, and hosting meetings with community leaders and local elected officials to ensure our district and constituent’s voices are heard and represented at the state level. It is of the utmost importance to me that you know I am here for- YOU. Despite the political impasse we are currently experiencing, I will always prioritize my constituents and be present in our community. Please reach out to me if you have any questions about this matter, and I'm also happy to discuss any other topics of importance to you.
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Brion Curran
State Representative