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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar (R)

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RELEASE: Minnesota Charities May Lose Pull-Tab Revenue with DFL Legislation

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

News Release

Minnesota Charities May Lose Pull-Tab Revenue with DFL Legislation

ST PAUL, MN – Representative Natalie Zeleznikar (R-Fredenberg Township) is sounding the alarm against recent legislation brought to the House Floor by DFL legislators. HF 1938 sponsored by Tax Chair Rep. Gomez (D – Minneapolis) would eliminate the use of electronic pull tabs to generate revenue for charitable organizations across Minnesota. Rep. Zeleznikar’s district covers St. Louis and Lake counties putting Moose Lodge 1463, American Legion Post 109 and Two Harbors Youth Hockey Association as a few of the organizations at-risk of losing funding from e-pull tabs.

Organizations and nonprofits that support Minnesota youth, veterans, seniors and more will no longer be able to receive revenue from these sources. To bring attention to this issue Rep. Zeleznikar is sending a letter to all of the non-profits in District 3B that would be affected by this provision urging them to speak up on the potential loss of this crucial funding.

“This is an attack on our charitable organizations. Charities already have a difficult time receiving funds due to increased inflation. We need to protect these critical avenues of funding for our youth, seniors, veterans, and communities,” Zeleznikar said.


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