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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar (R)

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Legislative Update

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Legislative Update

Dear friends,

It has been another busy week here at the Capitol. On Monday we heard House File 23 on the House Floor. HF 23 expands whistleblower protections to cover all state employees, not just classified state workers, and explicitly includes reports of ‘fraud’ and ‘misuse’ as protected disclosures. In addition, it expands who whistleblowers can report to, now including law enforcement and other government bodies. These changes provide whistleblowers with multiple safe avenues to report concerns. HF 23 passed 133-0. 

Below is a list of bills that I have authored or co authored. 

Local bills for our communities:

HF 584 - Interstate Highway 35 commercial development funding provided for utility extensions and upgrades.

HF 972 - Lakewood water treatment plant capital improvements funding provided and bonds issued.

HF 105 – Two Harbors Aspirus Lake View Hospital grant funding provided for certified nursing assistant training.

HF 280- Lake County, woodworking program funding provided.

HF 191 - Duluth International Airport new air traffic control tower.  

HF 197 - Second Harvest food bank facility funding provided.

HF 1555 - Gitchi-Gami State Trail funding provided.

HF 261 - Grant funding provided for equine-experiential mental health therapy to first responders suffering from trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, report required, and money appropriated. 

Healthcare and safety: 

HF 15 – Safe school funding. 

HF 194 - Exclusion amount increased for homesteads of veterans with a disability. 

HF 4 - Portion of projected budget surplus required to be returned to state taxpayers, and constitutional amendment proposed. 

HF 436 - Homestead market value exclusion established for property owned by persons 65 years or older and retired. 

HF 403 - Senior property tax credit established.

HF 310 - Dependent care individual income tax credit expanded. 

Hf 12 - Female sports team participation restricted to the female sex. 

HF 1233- Women's athletics exemption created in the Human Rights Act. 

HF 25 - Women's pregnancy centers and maternity homes grant program established, appropriations reduced, and money appropriated.    


Video Updates

On Thursday I am bringing House File 25 to the House floor. HF 25 restores funding for pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes, giving women real options when facing an unexpected pregnancy.

For 17 years, Minnesota provided bipartisan support for these alternatives alongside reproductive health grants, ensuring that women had true choice. But in 2023, Democrats stripped away $4 million in funding for these services, limiting the resources available to women.

HF 25 doesn’t take anything away. It simply restores funding that was always there so women can access all options when making important life decisions. This should not be a partisan issue. Women deserve full support, and I hope to see bipartisan backing when we vote later this week.

Click here to watch the video about HF 25.


Many Minnesotans are wondering what happened to the massive $18.5 billion budget surplus. I wanted to break it down for you and show you exactly where the money went, from bloated government projects to unfunded mandates now falling on local taxpayers. With a $6 billion deficit looming, it’s time to get serious about responsible budgeting and protecting hardworking Minnesotans from higher taxes. Watch the video below to learn more about how we got here and what we need to do to fix it!


I authored House File 1233, a bill that ensures fairness in women’s athletics by aligning the Minnesota Human Rights Act with Title IX. For 50 years, Title IX has protected opportunities for female athletes, but recent court interpretations have put those protections at risk. This bill clarifies that female-only sports teams are not in violation of state law, ensuring a level playing field for girls and women across Minnesota. Watch the video below to learn more about HF 1233.



Community Events

RJ Sport & Cycle in Hermantown and ATV Minnesota are pleased to announce a FREE and OPEN TO ALL, ATV Safety Open House event March 22nd 2025 at RJ Sport & Cycle from 9am to 2pm. 

I authored HF 654 which allows the presence of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in safety-related items and clothing used by juveniles operating all-terrain vehicles or dirt bikes. This bill will allow business to sell ATV's to children 12 and under allowing families to still be able to participate in outdoor activities together. 

I will be at this ATV Safety Open House from 11am to 1pm if there is anyone who has questions. 


Visitors and Events


Visited about priorities with two amazing leader from Two Harbors. Cathy Erickson from Two Harbors City Council and Gina Klevorn who is Superintendent for Lake Superior School District.


I met with Street Wise members who advocate for homeless members. 


I presented a bill to allow homeless centers to use criminal background checks such as BCA and other agencies for efficiency. This is a bipartisan bill in House and Senate, 1/3 of the homeless population resides in Greater Minnesota and this bills allows a more efficient manner to hire employees who help the homeless population.


Time with ATV clubs supporting our trails and those who love them!


When you are home for 24 hours, the simple things matter!

Please Contact Me

It’s an honor and privilege to work for you at the Capitol. Don’t hesitate to contact my office at any time this session to share your thoughts, concerns or ideas. I am here to serve you! You can reach me by phone at 651-296-2676 or by email at I encourage you to follow me on Facebook at RepNatalieZeleznikar.

NZ Signature
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