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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Keith Allen (R)

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Legislative Update 02.07.25

Friday, February 7, 2025

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Legislative Update

Dear friends and neighbors, 

It has been another exciting week here at the Capitol. I am pleased to share that this week was marked by the actual beginning of session. Due to a deal that was made between the GOP and DFL leadership on Wednesday evening, Thursday was the first official day with the House being organized. This means that floor sessions will be held as normal, committee meetings will begin on Monday, and we can actually do the work we have been preparing to do for more than three weeks now. I am looking forward to getting together with both GOP and DFL members and making positive changes for Minnesota.


I had the pleasure of meeting with many different groups this week and attending a few events in district. I'll highlight each with a photo and description so you can see where I was and what I was up to!


I had a great time sitting on a panel in Cannon Falls last week with Reps Altendorf, Mueller, and Roach. We were able to speak to and hear from area superintendents about our schools in Southern Minnesota.


Farmers Union

Folks with the Farmers Union came to the Capitol and I had a chance to sit down with a few of them from our district. As a famer myself, I could relate with some of the experiences and concerns that they shared with me. It was great to connect and hear what they had to say!



I took a trip to meet with the Goodhue County Township Officers Association last Saturday. I was able to meet and talk to some of our township officers from Goodhue County. Since I spend a good portion of my week in St. Paul now, it's refreshing to be able to see folks from outstate MN and be reminded of their needs and concerns, especially about the state of bridges and much needed road work. I look forward to continued relationships like these.



Another event that I attended was at the VFW where I met with city administrators from the SE League of Municipalities. We were able to have great discussions clarifying their needs for bonding, which are so critical for cities and towns in our area. I got a photo with this cool painted rock outside the VFW post, which I though was pretty neat!

I also had the chance to go to the pancake feed last Sunday with my kids, and saw Mayor Tom Spooner. It was a great community event and was so good to see everyone in attendance. 

As you can probably see, I love to stay involved and meet with as many different groups as I can. My goal is to be a good representative of all parts of our district, and meeting with groups and individuals helps me do that better. 

Legislative Activities

In the last several weeks, we have taken the time to really dive deep into Governor Walz's proposed budget. I have met with both MNSCU and my colleagues in the rural caucus about the potential impacts of that budget. I will be taking all of that information into account as we get to work with a full House chamber now. While I have been spending the weeks educating myself on important issues and drafting legislation, we are back to the place where we can meet in committees again and start to move bills through the House. I am looking forward to sharing the bills that I have been working on as they come up in the coming weeks. 

Please Contact Me

I am here for you! If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to talk, I can be reached by phone at 651-296-8237 or by email.

Thank you!

Keith Allen Signature
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658 Cedar St.
Saint Paul, MN 55155