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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Alex Falconer (DFL)

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Legislative Update - Save the Date for our March 8 Town Hall!

Friday, February 28, 2025
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Dear Neighbors,

I’ve got a couple of things to share with you from the past week in the Minnesota House, as well as the work ahead and some available resources, but first I wanted to let you know about the Town Hall coming up on Saturday, March 8!
Town Hall

My DFL colleagues from the area and I will be at the Eden Prairie Library’s Bluestem Room from 12-1pm. This’ll be a great opportunity to hear from us on our work, and to pose any questions you may have.

Regardless of whether you’re able to join us that day, you can always reach out to get an update directly from me or pose any questions, comments, or concerns you may have. Still, I hope to see you there!


Republicans’ Bad Bills

Despite the fact that bipartisan support is needed for anything to pass in the Minnesota House of Representatives, Republicans have been focusing on hyper-partisan, controversial legislation in this brief time when they maintain a one-seat advantage.

It just happens to be the case that I’ve seen a lot of these bills recently as a member of the House’s Education Policy Committee. Which is unfortunate, because there’s no shortage of common-ground proposals in this area.

Two especially frustrating bills from House Republicans that come to mind was their proposal to strip ethnic studies from school curriculums, and another to ban trans girls from school sports. Neither of these do anything to make our schools better or enrich the lives of our students. They only exist as an attempt to score cheap political points.

I’ll highlight the bill to ban trans girls in school sports because you’ll likely be hearing more about it as Republicans have scheduled it for a House Floor vote on Monday. I spoke against this bill when it was in committee, and I’ll do the same thing on the House Floor. You can watch my closing comments in committee before I voted against the bill here.


Excluding trans kids from playing sports is not protecting sports. It’s about denying our kids the opportunity to participate with their peers, it’s about denying a sense of community and belonging, it’s about denying kids the opportunity to gain the life-long lessons and skills sports give our youth to take into adulthood - teamwork, overcoming adversity, and striving for excellence.

This bill only serves to bully trans kids while ensuring ALL girls face unnecessary barriers to sports. It’s a bad bill. It won’t become law in Minnesota, but we‘ll unfortunately need to spend time making sure that’s the case when we could be working on bipartisan bills that support our kids instead. 


 Find Your Missing Money & Unclaimed Property

People lose track of their money or financial property because of a change of address, a death, or because they inherited something they didn't know about. The good news? The Minnesota Commerce Department is committed to reuniting Minnesotans with money that has gone missing.

Each year, Commerce receives millions of dollars in unclaimed property from businesses and organizations that have lost contact with the owners. The Department is responsible for safeguarding the funds or property until claimed by the rightful owners or heirs. This can include dormant bank accounts, uncashed checks, unclaimed wages, insurance claim payments or benefits, stocks or bonds, or safe deposit boxes.

I encourage everyone to check out this tool from the Commerce Department. It is quick and easy and I myself even found close to $1,000 in unclaimed money from old accounts my parents and grandparents set up in my name but went forgotten for decades.

You can check out the Minnesota Commerce Department Unclaimed Property Division here


Legislature 101 - How to follow along with the Minnesota House

As a new legislator, there’s been a lot to download in these first couple months, and I want to bring you along with me as I learn more about the Minnesota Legislature and our state government.

To start with, it’s important you know about the various ways you can follow along with the sometimes fast-paced work of the Minnesota House. I do my best to keep you informed, but these emails would be novels if I covered everything.

A fantastic resource is the Minnesota House of Representatives’ nonpartisan Public Information Department, which offers recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. You can subscribe to receive these here.

There’s also the ability to track bills of interest as they go through the legislative process - I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature.

You can also visit my House of Representatives website, which serves as a home base for everything I’m working on. There, you can see what I've been up to, which bills I am authoring, as well as bills I have joined on to co-author, meaning I support those bills that other members have authored. I have joined on to support and help pass bills for issues such as raising taxes on extremely wealthy CEOs, expanding healthcare access, protecting our environment, and more.

I highly encourage you to check out these resources, and to always feel free to reach out to my office with any questions you have on staying in the loop! You can reach me at or 651-296-3964. You’ll either hear back from me or my Legislative Assistant, Jared. I also encourage you to also follow along on my legislative Facebook page.



Alex Falconer

State Representative

House District 49A