Dear Neighbor,
Big news this week as state officials issued an updated economic forecast Thursday.
It shows we continue to suffer the consequences of the Democrats’ reckless spending, unnecessary tax increases and broken promises. While in full control of the Capitol the last two years, they turned a historic $18 billion surplus into a near-record $6 billion shortfall and raised our taxes $10 billion in the process.
This is ridiculous and it needs to stop. Watch for more as we really dig into the process of creating a new state budget the next couple of months.
No duty to retreat
House Republicans this week brought to the floor a bill (H.F. 13) I am championing to eliminate the duty to retreat when using reasonable force to defend yourself or others.
Nowhere in Minnesota law does it say a victim must run away before defending themselves. This was a rule created by the courts, not something the Legislature ever passed. Under this decision, a woman walking home alone at night could get in trouble just for gripping her keys defensively between her fingers.
No one should have to stop and analyze legal risks when they’re fighting for their life. This bill makes it clear: if you’re lawfully acting in self-defense, you shouldn’t have to decide whether running away is an option.
Unfortunately, Democrats blocked this bill on the House Floor, voting against Minnesotans’ right to protect themselves. I will continue fighting for our rights instead of catering to criminals as House Democrats continue to do.
Protecting girls
Minnesota House Republicans on Monday brought forward a bill H.F. 12 which supports safe and fair competition for girls in school-sanctioned athletics.
House Democrats blocked it, undermining safety and fairness for female athletes. Polls show around 80 percent of people agree with the bill’s position, which really explains how out of touch the Democrats are.
Turning their backs on girls like this is disgusting, and I hope the Democrats are ready to get an earful over this. There are so many layers to this issue, from physical safety to fair play, traumatic locker room scenarios and even the fact this is undoing decades of advancements women made under Title IX.
At least House Republicans tabled the bill after Democrats voted against it, saving the Preserving Girls Sports Act from defeat so it is available for future reconsideration.
Minnesota House Republicans are moving forward with the Safe Haven In Every Local District (SHIELD) Act (HF 15) to improve security in schools throughout Minnesota. This includes providing districts with the flexibility to address their specific security needs while maintaining a statewide commitment to student and staff protection.
I am an author of this bill, which has been sailing through the committee process. We look for it to come to the floor for a vote of the full body soon.
Have a nice weekend and please stay in touch.