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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Julie Greene (DFL)

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Legislative Update

Friday, January 24, 2025

Dear Neighbors,

As we await the Minnesota Supreme Court opinion that will help clear the way for a fair and legal agreement between the two parties at the MN House, I wanted to give an update on what I’ve been working on.

Intern for the Day

I am thrilled to offer Intern for a Day program for high school students who live or attend school in District 50A. Students will join me at the Capitol to engage in policy discussions, conversations with legislators and spend time in House chambers. Apply here. Applications are due today, January 24.

My Work Representing You

My week has been packed with meetings in and around the community as I work to serve as your Representative. Here’s some of what I did this week:

  • Visit to Conway Community Center in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; there was connecting, community and celebration.
  • Hearing from Edina Superintendent Dr. Stacie Stanley about our students, teachers and school community, and attending the EPS Legislative Action Committee breakfast to hear directly from students about priorities and issues that need solving. Public education is the bedrock of our communities, and we need to fund and support it so students everywhere can thrive.
  • Meeting with Transportation and Education Finance committee teams.
  • Attended Richfield Public Schools Board study group to hear their 2025 legislative priorities. School district boundaries within District 50a include Edina, Richfield + Bloomington schools.
  • Conversation with City of Bloomington officials on their legislative priorities.
  • Meeting with constituents to learn more about their tireless advocacy efforts to protect our environment, and ways I can support the work. In a separate meeting, I met with constituents and Save the Boundary Waters to talk about how we protect our most important natural resources.
  • Spoke with Serge + Jane owner to learn how extended road construction projects create barriers for customers to get in the front door and how the state can alleviate some pressure during these projects
  • Tour of the Shosten Training Center to get a close-up view of the rigorous training and work millwrights, welders and piledrivers do to support our transportation system.
  • I met with the Legislative Action Committee and City of Bloomington.

Crime Data 2024

I know that public safety is important which is why I want to share some new data from the BCA that shows crime in Minnesota continuing to trend down. It’s notable that both violent crime and homicides are approaching pre-pandemic lows, and total crime levels are now the lowest they’ve been in over 60 years. I also recognize that any time a crime happens to you or someone you love, it is one too many. This report showing that Minnesota is continuing to become a safer state gives me great hope that we are headed in the right direction.


Stay Connected

I understand the complex situation happening at the legislature this session can bring more questions than answers. Please feel free to reach out to me by email at or by phone at 651-296-4363 with any questions or thoughts. Please share with neighbors and friends who’d also like to receive legislative updates to subscribe to my email list here, and follow my Facebook here. As always, it’s an honor to represent our community. 


Julie Greene, District 50A
5th Floor Centennial Office Building
St. Paul, MN 55155