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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Pete Johnson (DFL)

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Rep. Johnson’s Statement on Minnesota’s Budget Forecast

Thursday, March 6, 2025

St. Paul, MN - Today, Minnesota Management and Budget unveiled a new economic forecast, confirming the policies of the Trump Administration are moving Minnesota’s economy and state budget in the wrong direction.

State Representative Pete Johnson (DFL - Duluth) released the following statement:

Our main responsibility in the Minnesota Legislature this year is to pass a balanced state budget, but the chaos, confusion, and cuts from the Trump Administration are only serving to make that job more difficult and put Minnesota’s financial stability at risk. 

“We no longer have a serious partner in the White House when it comes to supporting working families. We’ll do all we can in Minnesota to combat rising prices and lend a helping hand to our neighbor, but we need our Republican partners in St. Paul and D.C. to reject the notion that government only exists to cater to billionaires.”
