This is Day 18 of the Democrat Shutdown.
Since session began on January 14, House Republicans have been at the Capitol, ready to do the people’s business. But last Friday the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that 68 members must be present in order to officially hold session and committee hearings, and Republicans only have 67 members.
Because House Democrats are boycotting session as they do not want to operate under a Republican House majority, we are unable to conduct any legislative business.
But staying away from the Capitol hasn’t stopped House Democrats from collecting their paychecks. You’ve now thrown away more than $170,000 on lawmakers who have yet to show up for work.
Let’s face it, the Democrats have been allowed to hijack the process. They literally went to the Supreme Court to prevent us from doing the work Minnesotans elected us to do. The court ruled in their favor, and thanks to this judicial overreach, we have a stalemate.
The Democrats have always wanted a year-round legislature, and not coming to a budget agreement in a timely manner this session would only further their cause.
I started becoming active in politics in the year 2020 during COVID, after watching Governor Walz and the executive branch conducting tyrannical overreach. Arresting people who had tried opening their business during the pandemic, taking away their license, throwing them in jail.
Now it’s 2025, and the Secretary of State is ignoring state law and conducting his own form of tyranny to help out fellow Democrats by overruling a legislative body – a separate branch of government.
In their minds, the ends always justify the means.
Governor Walz could easily order state troopers to find the absent Democrat lawmakers and bring them to the House chamber to get to work. Instead, he bashes Republicans.
It's funny how the executive branch thought it was just fine to arrest people who were broke during COVID and were trying to support their families but won’t use those same resources to respectfully bring in Democrat lawmakers to do their jobs.
It’s the governor’s political party that’s playing hooky, so a separate set of rules apply.
Your tax dollars are being wasted thanks to this Democrat shutdown. Official House business has come to an abrupt stop thanks to a judicial branch that has overstepped its authority. But my Republican colleagues and I are in St. Paul showing up ready to work, and we are hoping the Democrat shutdown ends soon.
In liberty,