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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Max Rymer (R)

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Legislative Update

Friday, March 7, 2025

Legislative Update

Dear friends and neighbors,

It was another busy week. On Monday I stood with female student athletes and fought to keep biological men out of women's sports. The House debated Rep. Scott’s House File 12 on the House floor to preserve women’s sports. All 67 Republicans voted for the proposal, and all 66 Democrats voted against it.


Local students at the Capitol to support HF 12.


House floor during HF 12 debate. 

I have been working closely with North Branch Superintendent Sara Paul, co-authored HF1538 that would bolster our apprenticeship programs in schools. It's important that all kids develop professional and life skills.  

In Education Finance we passed a bill (HF984) out of committee to reinforce non-public pupil aid, after the governor proposed cutting it completely. Our private schools, homeschool co-ops, and alternative education paths deserve support. 

We passed HF 837 out of the Commerce Committee. I'm uncomfortable with this band aid solution to our rising healthcare costs, but this bill will help keep premium costs from exploding and our local providers from being harmed. We have to develop a more competitive market, which encourages competition and keeps costs low. With over a dozen new mandates passed during the last session, costs keep going up. I'm working with other legislators to get us back to a truly-free market healthcare system. 

Last week I did an interview with MPR about being a first time legislator, my background, and how we got here. The format was one Freshman Republican and one Freshman Democrat... I was the Freshman Republican chosen. Click here to listen to the interview.  



I met with Chisago County Commissioner Dan Dahlberg to discuss pressing needs of the county. 

Met with the Minnesota Grocers, who run County Market in North Branch. 

Met with Wyoming Councilman Brett Ohnstad, who also discussed some union issues with me.

Finally showed my kids the Capitol.



The past 5 weeks have been eye opening. From commerce, to education finance, to the debates we're having on the house floor - every area I touch right now - one thing is really clear: our state has some serious challenges. We now face a near -$6 billion deficit in 2 years (a deficit $1 billion larger than originally projected), and over $18 billion in surplus was spent last session during the DFL's trifecta. We have to get back to a place of balanced, reasonable government.

Please Contact Me

Please reach out to me if you have any thoughts questions or concerns. Never hesitate to reach out to me whether it’s via phone or email. And I would LOVE if you came down to St. Paul for a visit. Shoot me an email if you ever want to swing by. I can be reached at 651-296-5377 or via email at?

Have a great weekend,? 


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