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Legislative News and Views - Rep. Tom Sexton (R)

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Legislative Update 03.07.25

Friday, March 7, 2025

Legislative Update

Good morning,

I hope that you stayed safe and warm despite the weather this week. Similar to the blizzard, it has been a stormy week at the Capitol. We started off strong with a rally in support of the Preserving Girls Sports Act (HF12), but the bill did not pass on the House floor due to Democrat opposition. We also received the February budget forecast, which projects a dire fiscal situation in our future. I will dig into the details here, and everything that happened in between. Thank you for taking the time to read my newsletter!


Preserving Girls Sports Rally

I want to start by sharing with you about the success of our rally for the Preserving Girls Sports Act (HF12). We hosted Riley Gaines, Jack Brewer, Ben Utecht and other speakers to talk about their connection to sports and their support of our bill. It was wonderful to see the crowd of passionate Minnesotans and hear encouraging words from the speakers. On Monday afternoon, we took HF12 to the House floor for debate and a vote. There were clearly different opinions on opposite sides of the aisle about this issue, which caused a party line vote at the end of the night. I was very disappointed that not one of my Democrat colleagues voted to protect our female athletes in Minnesota; however, we will continue to fight!



Bill Hearings

Carl Sonnenberg and I were able to testify for the Waseca capital investments projects that we have drafted in legislation (HF425 and HF426).


I also introduced my bill to fund the Helmets to Hardhats program, HF1004, to the Labor and Workforce Development Committee this week. As an Air Force Veteran that transitioned to a career in pipeline construction, I can see the value of this program and am very proud to carry this bill. Thank you to the testifiers that came to speak in support of my bill. I look forward to HF1004 passing on the House floor!



Coffee with Tom

With this being the first week of March, I look forward to being in Owatonna for Coffee with Tom this Friday. Then next week I will be in Waseca again. Just a reminder that Coffee with Tom is at the respective chamber of commerce from 12-1pm and all are welcome to attend. These meetings have been a great success so far and I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to connect with you all in our district.


MCCL Legislative Dinner

My wife and I had the pleasure of attending the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) Legislative Dinner. We attended with other legislators and their guests, including Representative Cal Warwas and his wife Maria. These opportunities to meet with groups and legislators outside of the Capitol complex are great just to connect and spend time together. Thank you to the MCCL for hosting this dinner and inviting us!



Meetings this Week

I had the opportunity to meet with both the Waseca Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and the Steele County SWCD this week. 


Myself and Mark Schaetzke from Waseca SWCD


Steele County SWCD. From left to right: David Melby, Dan Hansen, me, Adam Arndt, Mark Ihlenfeld


I also had a meeting with some State Farm business partners early this week. We even got the infamous Jake from State Farm in on our photo!

State Farm


I want to hear you

I am always here to listens to concerns or ideas of my constituents. I can be reached via email or phone 651-296-5368. 

Tom Sexton Signature