Time |
Location |
Committee |
(8:30 AM)
[Remote Hearing]
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources [Commission] |
(10:30 AM)
[Remote Hearing]
Ways and Means |
(1:00 PM)
[Remote Hearing]
Agriculture Finance and Policy |
(1:00 PM)
[Remote Hearing]
Education Policy |
(1:00 PM)
[Remote Hearing]
Health Finance and Policy |
(1:00 PM)
[Remote Hearing]
Workforce and Business Development Finance and Policy |
(3:30 PM)
[House Chamber]
Floor Session |
1. Approve the minutes for December 17, 2020
2. Members report potential conflicts of interest regarding today’s business
3. Introductions for new LCCMR Members
4. Action: Election of legislative members to Executive Committee
- Elections and proxy options letter sent to members 2/15/21
5. Overview of the Biennial Report submitted January 15, 2021
6. Action: 2019 Strategic planning: options for completion
a. Memo with options
b. Current Strategic Plan
c. 2019 Strategic Planning Process - 1 page visual
d. 2019 Strategic Planning Process Results - 137 pages
e. Member Workshop Document
7. LCCMR other business
? Next meeting
8. Public testimony
The public is asked to keep their comments brief. If you would like to testify, please contact Diana Griffith at diana.griffith@lccmr.leg.mn by 4:00 pm the day before the meeting and specify to which agenda item your testimony relates. The chair will accommodate testimony at the requested agenda item as time allows.
9. Adjourn