Chair: Rep. Jeanne Poppe
Location: Remote Hearing
I. Continuation of industrial hemp discussion
• Anthony Cortilet, MN Department of Agriculture
II. HF 3706 (Vang) Industrial hemp provisions modified, definitions provided, and industrial hemp data classified.
• Whitney Place, Assistant Commissioner, MN Department of Agriculture
• Peder Kjeseth, Director of Government Relations, MDA
III. HF 3533 (Poppe) Real property provisions modified and updated, obsolete provisions repealed, and clarifying and technical changes made.
• Betti Kamolz, Brown County Recorder
• Troy Olsen
IV. HF 3739 (Lippert) Farm crisis loan origination fee grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
• Paul Sobocinski, livestock farmer and Land Stewardship Project rural policy organizer
• Dan Miller, Farm Business Instructor at Riverland College and livestock and crop farmer
REMOVED: MDA Policy bill
HF 3991 (Poppe) Grain buyer contract dates modified.