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Currently Posted Meetings

Monday, March 9, 2020

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Monday, March 9, 2020
Chair: Rep. Connie Bernardy
Location: G-23 State Capitol

The Legislative Audit Commission Evaluation Subcommittee will meet to review suggested topics for evaluation by the Office of the Legislative Auditor and narrow the list to 15 preliminary topics.

Meeting materials.

Monday, March 9, 2020 , 9:45 AM
Time Note: The room is blocked until noon and then again 15 minutes after session if necessary to complete the agenda

Ways and Means

Chair: Rep. Lyndon Carlson
Location: Remote Hearing
I. REMOVED: HF 3980 (Liebling) Public health response contingency account money deposit transferred. (pending referral)
II. *HF 1 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities for children ages birth to three created; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.
III. *HF 1246 (Morrison) Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, and report required.
IV. *HF 4 (Lesch) Prescription Drug Pricing Restrictions
V. *HF 1405 (Stephenson) Clean Energy First Act established, and electric utilities required to meet resource needs using clean energy resources.
VI. *HF 2806 (Long) Clemency Review Commission established, Board of Pardons procedures modified, and clarifying changes made.
VII. *HF 1257 (Cantrell) Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
VIII. HF 2001 (Cantrell) Workforce certificates of compliance ensured to apply equally to in-state and out-of-state contractors.
IX. REMOVED: HF1863 (Lillie) State employee salaries funding appropriated in the event of non-appropriation.
X. HF 3375 (Ecklund) Workforce training pilot project funding provided, and money appropriated.
XI. Informational session on Stadium Reserve Account : MMB presentation and OLA Stadium Reserve Report Recommendations
MMB presentation
• Myron Frans, Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget
• Bryan Dahl, Financial Planning Director, MMB Budget Division
• Jen Hassemer, Assistant Commissioner for Debt Management

OLA Stadium Reserve Report Recommendations
• Ryan Dean Baker, Office of the Legislative Auditor
• Scott Tjomsland, Office of the Legislative Auditor

*These bills will be procedural motions to refer without recommendation to another committee. HF 4 and HF 1257 will be recommended to be referred to State Government Finance. HF 1246 and HF 2806 will be recommended to be referred to Judiciary Finance and Civil Law. HF 1 and HF 1405 will be recommended to be referred to Jobs and Economic Development Finance. Should these bills move forward, a more complete discussion will occur upon return to Ways and Means for final consideration.
Bills Added
Bills Removed

Monday, March 9, 2020 , 10:00 AM

Legislative Permanent School Fund Commission

Chair: Senator Jerry Newton
Location: 1100 Minnesota Senate Building

1.       Call to Order

2.       Approval of the February 13, 2020 Minutes

3.       BWCAW project update & funding needs

4.       Other Business

5.       Adjourn 

For more agenda information, click here
Monday, March 9, 2020 , 12:45 PM

Long-Term Care Division

Chair: Rep. Jennifer Schultz
Location: Remote Hearing
HF3654 (Lippert): Personal care assistance; enrollment requirements, additional duties, and payment rate methodology established; methodology study required; providers required to submit workforce data; and reports required.
HF2182 (Klevorn): Direct Care Service Corps established, report required, and money appropriated.
Bills Added

Monday, March 9, 2020 , 12:45 PM

Property and Local Tax Division

Chair: Rep. Andrew Carlson
Location: Remote Hearing
I. HF 3875 (Poston) Wadena; local sales and use tax authority modified
II. HF 3792 (Wolgamott) St. Cloud; local sales and use tax authority modified
III. HF 3776 (Theis) Waite Park; local sales and use tax authority modified
IV. HF 3661 (Kresha) Little Falls; local sales and use tax authority modified
V. HF 3711 (Nornes) Fergus falls; local sales and use tax authority modified

Monday, March 9, 2020 , 12:45 PM

Water Division

Chair: Rep. Peter Fischer
Location: Remote Hearing
*Agenda Change: Bill added.

HF3943 (Lippert) Groundwater and surface water sustainability report required.
HF3950 (Lippert) Well disclosure requirements provided.
HF3948 (Fischer) Storm water retention and infiltration study funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3952 (Fischer) Water quality at beaches funding provided for a monitoring program, and money appropriated.
HF3971 (Torkelson) Advisory Council on Water Supply Systems and Wastewater Treatment Facilities reestablished, and money appropriated to improve drinking water infrastructure.
*HF3423 (Sandell) Water quality standards for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances funding provided, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
Bills Added

Monday, March 9, 2020 , 3:30 PM

Floor Session

Monday, March 9, 2020 , 6:00 PM

Subcommittee on Minnesota Water Policy

Chair: Rep. Peter Fischer
Location: Basement State Office Building

  • Call to Order
  • Approval of Subcommittee meeting minutes: February 17, 2020
  • Director’s Report: Subcommittee Legislative Priorities and Bill Status: Jim Stark
  • Changing groundwater conditions and impacts in the Metro: Ray Wuolo, Barr Engineering
  • Discussion: Wadena County Petition Response: Jim Stark
  • Discussion: Water Appropriation Permit Process at Property Transfer: Jason Moeckel, MDNR
  • Watershed Districts: Statutes and Governance Structure: Emily Javens: Exec Director Association of Watershed Districts
  • SWCD Funding: Discussion of Funding Options: LeAnn Buck, Exec. Director, State Association of County Soil and Water Conservation Districts
  • Announcements:

  • Adjourn

For more agenda information, click here