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Currently Posted Meetings

Friday, March 19, 2021

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Friday, March 19, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021 , 8:30 AM

Commerce Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Zack Stephenson
Location: Remote Hearing
HF 832 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) - Lottery prize winner name made private.
*No further testimony will be taken on this bill as it received a full hearing on 3/16. Debate and amendments will be limited to those arising from the discussion on the A2 amendment on Tuesday.*

HF 55 (Elkins) - Mandated health benefit proposal evaluation process modified.

HF 2044 (Lippert) - Nonprofit corporation established to finance and leverage private investment for clean energy, report required, and money appropriated. *PENDING REFERRAL*

HF 1768 (Klevorn) - Continuing education sponsors and instructors regulated.

HF 1080 (Richardson) - Nondiscrimination in access to organ transplants required, and penalties prescribed.

HF 372 (O’Driscoll) - Data service organization modified, and rulemaking authorized.

Bills may be added or removed at the Chair’s discretion. Items may be taken up in any order.

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:

*NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact Jenny regarding agenda items, testimony, or the substance of the hearing.

This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which you may view here:

Any meeting documents will be posted on the House Commerce committee website at

To submit written testimony to be included in the official record, please email the Committee Administrator no later than 24 hours after the hearing adjourns, at

To request to testify orally, please email the Committee Administrator as soon as possible (no less than 24 hours ahead of time preferred) at

To have materials included in the members’ digital folders and posted online before committee, they must be submitted by 2:00 pm the day of the hearing.

Bills Added

Friday, March 19, 2021 , 8:30 AM

Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Rick Hansen
Location: Remote Hearing
Governor’s Budget Recommendations for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which you may view here:

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact her with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda.

Any meeting documents will be posted on the House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy committee website at

Public Testimony:
• Members of the public with questions about this process may email committee staff at
• Written testimony may be submitted. If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 8:30am, Thursday, March 18, 2021.

Friday, March 19, 2021 , 8:30 AM

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law

Chair: Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn
Location: Remote Hearing
This meeting is held in accordance to House Rule 10.01

1). HF 108 (Noor): prohibiting employers or prospective employers from requiring or using credit information as a condition of employment or for employment purposes *Committee discussion will focus on provisions of this bill that fall within the Judiciary/Civil law committee's jurisdiction. Relevant provisions are: Section 1, Subd. d [penalties & civil actions].

2). HF 2124 (Keeler) Office for missing and murdered indigenous relatives created... *Committee discussion will focus on provisions of this bill that fall within the Judiciary/Civil law committee's jurisdiction. Relevant provisions are: Subd. 8 [access to data]

3). HF 972 (Her) interpreter pay & reimbursement increased

**Agenda items may be added, deleted and/or taken in any order.

**If you are interested in providing written testimony, oral testimony, or a handout, please email the Committee Administrator and copy the Committee Legislative Assistant by 5 pm the day before the hearing to get instructions.


This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:

NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact Jenny with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda. If you have questions regarding the substance of the agenda, please contact the Committee Administrator, Rachel Ganani.

Friday, March 19, 2021 , 10:00 AM

Compensation Council

Chair: Sam Kaplan
Location: Remote Hearing
  1. Adopt minutes of the March 10, 2021 meeting
  2. Discuss options and determine recommendations for judicial salaries
  3. Discuss report and process to adopt it

The remote meeting may be viewed live via the LCC YouTube Channel.

Notice: This meeting is being held in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.021; Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means.

To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access or contact the Legislative Coordinating Commission at

For more agenda information, click here
Friday, March 19, 2021 , 10:15 AM

Rules and Legislative Administration

Chair: Rep. Ryan Winkler
Location: Remote Hearing
Rules and Legislative Administration
Chair: Rep. Ryan Winkler

Friday, March 19, 2021
Time: 10:15am to 10:25am
Remote Hearing
This meeting held in accordance with House Rule 10.01


I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes for March 18, 2021

IV. Calendar for the Day – March 23, 2021

V. Adjournment

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:

NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

Members of the public who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at Please contact committee staff at least one hour prior to the start of the remote hearing.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122.

Friday, March 19, 2021 , 10:30 AM

Human Services Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Jennifer Schultz
Location: Remote Hearing
Friday, March 19, 2021
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Remote Hearing
This meeting is held in accordance with House Rule 10.01


1. Overview of Governor’s Budget

Agenda items may be added or removed.

Public Viewing:

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:


This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which may be viewed here:

Members of the public with questions about this process may contact committee staff at

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122.

Time Changed
Chair: Rep. Rob Ecklund
Location: Remote Hearing
HF 1085 (Stephenson) Municipalities required to base construction permit fees on cost per square foot.
Nick Erickson, Director of Research & Regulatory Affairs, Housing First
Daniel Lightfoot, League of MN Cities
Brian Hoffman, Director of Building and Energy, City of St. Louis Park

HF 1042 (Keeler) State Building Code and State Fire Code waiver process for members of recognized tribes established.
Jim Rock
Crystal Johnson

HF 1402 (Keeler) Border cities authorized to adopt state building code changes related to frost footing depth.
Jack Nyberg, Building Official, City of Moorhead
Don Dabbert, President, Dabbert Custom Homes
Scott McLellan, Director, Construction Codes and Licensing Division, DLI

HF 1229 (Bliss) Veteran retreat funding provided, and money appropriated.
Cara Ruff, Executive Director, Independent Lifestyles, Inc

HF 439 (Xiong, J) Subminimum wage eliminated; task force created, statute and rule allowing payment of subminimum wage to employees with disabilities repealed, report required, and money appropriated.
Noah McCourt
James S. Clapper
Julie St. Marie Bingham and Marisa Bingham
Dawn and Laura Kovacovich
Jim Sillery
Kristina Petronko, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid and the Minnesota Disability Law Center
Brittanie Hernandez-Wilson

Due to time constraints, we are no longer accepting any in person testimony for this hearing. If you would like to submit written testimony to the committee, please send it to by 10:00 AM.

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact her with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda.

This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which you may view here:
Bills Added

Chair: Rep. Carlos Mariani
Location: Remote Hearing
Corrections Reform Day

I. HF 1369 (Mariani) Indeterminate Sentence Release Board established, and report required.
II. HF 1761 (Hollins) Execution of criminal sentences prohibited for certain probation violations.
III. HF 218 (Wolgamott) Commissioner of corrections directed to issue grant to qualified NGO to assist inmates in finding meaningful employment after release from incarceration.
IV.. HF 128 (Novotny) Data held by law enforcement agencies regarding the person or entity that posted bail provided to be public, and notice to the agency having custody of the arrested or detained person required when bail or a bond is posted.
V. 1448 (Johnson) Commissioner of correction required to perform state prison security practices regular assessments, and reports required.

If you would like to sign up to testify, please email one hour before the committee start time. Public Testimony may be taken at the end of the hearing if time is available. If there is not time, members of the public will be asked to submit their testimony in writing.

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact her with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda.

Meeting documents will be posted on the Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee website at
Bills Added

Friday, March 19, 2021 , 1:00 PM

Legacy Finance

Chair: Rep. Leon Lillie
Location: Remote Hearing
HF488 (Agbaje) - African American arts and cultural program grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF680 (Frederick) - Children's Museum of Southern Minnesota funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF913 (Frederick) - County fair funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1328 (Anderson) - Midwest Outdoors Unlimited funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1418 (Hassan) - Somali-based arts program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1728 (Agbaje) - Minnesota African American Heritage Museum and Gallery funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1770 (Frazier) - Radio station grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1857 (Berg) - September 11 terror attacks 20th anniversary funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1470 (Urdahl) - Civic education grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1623 (Thompson) - Somali Museum of Minnesota funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1672 (Urdahl) - Indian Affairs Council funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1722 (Xiong) - Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio-Latino Communities United in Sevice (CLUES) funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1723 (Xiong) - Lao Assistance Center grant from arts and cultural heritage fund funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1725 (Xiong) - Hmong Minnesotan culture and history education grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1800 (Murphy) - Historic preservation corps contracting provisions created.
HF1890 (Xiong) - Lower Phalen Creek Project cultural interpretive center funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1945 (Murphy) - Regional library systems funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2058 (Urdahl) - American Indian history curriculum development required, and money appropriated.
HF2087 (Wolgamott) - Great River Children's Museum funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2097 (Huot) - Minnesota Zoological Garden funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2193 (Olson) - Lake Superior Zoological Society funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF XXX-MM045 (Olson) Duluth Children's Museum
*Bills may be added to the agenda

This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01.

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:

Note: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Do not contact Jenny about the content of this meeting.

Public Testimony:
• Members of the public who are interested in testifying must email by 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting to ensure consideration. Testimony may be limited due to time constraints.
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send it to by 3:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.

Meeting documents will be posted on the committee website:
Bills Added

Chair: Rep. Mohamud Noor
Location: Remote Hearing
HF 2066 (Koegel) Launch Minnesota program
Steve Grove, Commissioner, DEED
Neela Mollgaard, Executive Director, Launch MN
Dave Hengel, Executive Director, Greater Bemidji Inc.
Aneela Idnani, Co-founder, HabitAware

HF 784 (Thompson) Ending systemic racism funding provided, provisions adopted that address racial injustice and systemic racism, and money appropriated. *Testimony, Amendments, or other materials related to this bill must be relevant to this committee's jurisdiction*
Alexander Buster Deputie

HF 875 (Xiong, J) African Economic Development Solutions grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Liban Alishire, Owner, ACE Interpretation Inc
Ali Hola, Owner of ITC Transit Service
Dr. Abraham Dalu, Owner, A&A Reliable Home Health Care, LLC

HF 2007 (Noor) Emerge Community Development funding provided, and money appropriated.
Mohamed Ali, Senior Director of Workforce Programs, EMERGE
Saeed Bihi, Manager, Cedar Riverside Opportunity Center, City of Minneapolis

HF 2020 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) SciTech Internship Program funding provided, and money appropriated.
Jeff Tollefson, President and CEO, Minnesota Technology Association
Becky Siekmeier, Director, SciTech Internship Program
Angie Zavoral Conley, CEO, AbiliTech Medical
Daniel Ajagbusi, Student - Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota
Tatem Rios, Student - Chemical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Minnesota

If you would like to testify please contact Travis Reese at at least three hours prior to the start of the hearing.

This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact her with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda.

This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which you may view here:

Bills Added

Friday, March 19, 2021 , 3:00 PM

Health Finance and Policy

Chair: Rep. Tina Liebling
Location: Remote Hearing
HF2056 (Howard) Prescription drug and medical supplies co-payment for chronic disease treatment limited.
HF81 (Quam) Establish pharmacogenomics (PGx) task force, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2324 (Liebling) EMSRB Operations base funding.

Governor Walz's HHS Budget Presentation

Bills may be added/removed.

Members of the public interested in testifying on should email Patrick McQuillan at by 3 pm on Thusday, March 18th. Testimony will be limited to two minutes per person. Written testimony will be accepted.

This meeting will be held in accordance with House Rule 10.01, which may be viewed here:

Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page:

NOTE: Channels HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.

Meeting documents will be posted on the House Health Finance and Policy Committee website at

If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. For other questions, please contact Patrick McQuillan (

The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote meetings to be held that are accessible to the public. Thank you for your patience as we adapt.

Bills Added

Friday, March 19, 2021 , 3:00 PM

Transportation Finance and Policy

Hearing Canceled
Chair: Rep. Frank Hornstein
Location: Remote Hearing
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 23, 1:00 - 2:30PM.