Chair: Rep. Tina Liebling
Location: Remote Hearing
Bills added (HF1867 and HF1254).
HF725 (Fischer) Federally qualified health centers and rural health clinic alternative payment methodology established, federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics payments modified, and report required.
HF1381 (Kunesh-Podein) Community solutions for healthy child development grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF1898 (Hassan) Skin lightening creams containing mercury health danger public awareness campaign created, and money appropriated.
HF1330 (Hassan) Substance abuse recovery services funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1888 (Morrison) Psychiatric residential treatment facilities and intensive treatment requirements in foster care modified, and money appropriated.
HF927 (Liebling) Swing bed license conditions modified.
HF1580 (Edelson) Durable medical equipment and medical supplies supplemental payments provided to providers.
HF2231 (Cantrell) Substance use treatment rates modified, commissioner of human services directed to establish continuum of care-based rate methodology, and report required. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF2385 (Howard) Controlled substance schedules modified.
HF547 (Lee) Taylor Hayden Gun Violence Prevention Act established, and money appropriated.
HF1378 (Liebling) Health maintenance organizations required to be nonprofit corporations.
HF273 (Schultz) MinnesotaCare; definition of affordability modified for families with access to employer-subsidized insurance for purposes of eligibility.
HF551 (Liebling) Network adequacy and provider network notification governing provisions modified, administrative penalties imposed, and network access standards based on appointment wait times for managed care and county-based purchasing plans established.
HF3 (Liebling) OneCare Buy-In through MNsure website established, outpatient prescription drug program established, dental administration governing provisions modified, health care governing provisions modified, and studies and reports required. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF2459 (Loeffler) MinnesotaCare provider taxes repeal repealed.
HF2359 (Schultz) Health coverage premium subsidy program changes made, and money appropriated.
HF572 (Schultz) Health plan loss ration requirements established, and nonprofit health maintenance organizations net earnings use requirements established.
HF197 (Schultz) Health maintenance for-profit organizations required to pay the two percent premium revenue tax, and clarifying changes made.
HF1516 (Acomb) Home care provider provisions modified. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF1254 (Considine) Medical assistance coverage modified for community-based care coordination to include tribes.
HF1785 (Wazlawik) Center for Victims of Torture integrated care model pilot project established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1182 (Freiberg) Immunization-related activities funded for geographic areas and populations experiencing or at risk of experiencing an outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF785 (Zerwas) Health licensing boards; emeritus dental licensure created, residency general practice requirements clarified, and technical changes made.
HF1867 (Zerwas) State agency hearing established for county to dispute liability of regional treatment center or state nursing facility cost of care of clients due to delayed discharge, and disputed cost of care recovery from clients precluded. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF499 (Kresha) Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rule making authorized, and money appropriated.
More bills may be added or removed. Testimony is limited to 2 minutes. Please contact if you would like to testify.