Rep. Tina Liebling
Remote Hearing
HF3470 (Her) Hospital construction moratorium exception project added.
HF3403 (Stephenson) Preliminary application procedure established for individuals seeking professional licenses, licensing boards permitted to charge application fees, appeals authorized, and reports required. (Pending Re-referral)
HF3786 (Bierman) Intractable pain definition modified, and controlled substance prescription for treatment criteria modified.
HF4430 (Schultz) Health Care Affordability Board and Health Care Affordability Advisory Council established, health care market trend monitoring and recommendations required, health care spending growth target programs established, reports required, civil penalties provided, and fund transfers required. (Pending Re-referral)
HF3265 (Howard) School lead testing and remediation requirements modified, report required, and money appropriated. (Pending Re-referral)
*HF2906 (Wazlawik) PFAS prohibited in cosmetics.
*HF2907 (Wazlawik) PFAS prohibited in cookware.
*HF2952 (Wazlawik) PFAS prohibited in ski wax.
*HF3571 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) PFAS prohibited in juvenile products.
HF3161 (Wolgamott) Commissioner of health directed to modify requirement to obtain Department of Health J-1 visa waiver program recommendations.
HF4076 (Morrison) Administration of the fetal alcohol spectrum disorders prevention grants transferred to the Department of Health, base general fund amount established for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders prevention grants, base level adjustments made for health improvement in certain fiscal years, and report required.
HF4704 (Liebling) A bill for an act relating to long-term care; appropriating money to the commissioner of health and the commissioner of human services for long-term care protection and support activities and a temporary staffing pool. (VEHICLE BILL)
Testifier/document deadline will be Thursday, 3/31 at 4 PM. Testimony is limited to two minutes per testifier. Discussion on *HF2906, *HF2907, *HF2952 and *HF3571 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) will be limited to the fiscal notes on the MDH impacts of the bill. HF3470 and HF3786 were previously heard in Health and will receive an abbreviated presentation. Items may be added or deleted. This hearing will likely extend beyond the normal 90 minute time.
This meeting will be held in accordance with House Rule 10.01, which may be viewed here:
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This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page: All events are closed-captioned. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
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