Rep. Frank Hornstein
Remote Hearing
Friday, May 14, 2021, 1:00 - 4:00PM
Chairs: Rep. Frank Hornstein and Sen. Scott Newman
House has the gavel
MnDOT presentation on project selection, Trunk Highway spending, and contracting issues
Agenda items may be added or removed
House Conferees: Hornstein, Koegel, Frederick, Elkins, Petersburg
Senate Conferees: Newman, Jasinski, Howe, Osmek, Bigham
If you are interested in providing written testimony to the committee on provisions that are contained in the Side by Side, please email both and Written testimony sent via email must be in PDF format with optical character recognition ability. Written testimony will be posted on the committee website along with other meeting materials here:
This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:
If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact her with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda. If you have questions about the substance of the meeting, please contact John Howe, the committee administrator, at
This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which you may view here: