Chair: Sen. Scott Dibble Location: 400 North State Office Building Agenda:
SF 3589 (Smith) REAL ID Act implementation authorized and governed, driver's license and Minnesota identification card requirements amended, fees amended, legislative reporting required, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
Location: Room 1100 Minnesota Senate Building Agenda:
Chairs: Sen. LeRoy A. Stumpf and Rep. Paul Torkelson 11:00 AM or At the Call of the Chair CONFEREES: SENATE: Stumpf; Tomassoni; Sieben; Hayden; Senjem - HOUSE: Torkelson; Swedzinski; Albright; Vogel; Hausman Room 1100 Minnesota Senate Bldg.
Senate has the gavel
Sunday, May 22, 2016
, 1:00 PM Time Note:The SF2963 Conference Committee will meet at 1pm or the Call of the Chair in the Basement Hearing Room.
Rep Hackbarth has the gavel.