Rep. Ginny Klevorn
Rep. Jim Nash
Capitol G23
1. HF 1837 (Klevorn) Policy bill. Mark up and passage.
2. HF 2725 (Klevorn) Healthy Aging subcabinet and citizens' engagement council established, plan required, and money appropriated.
3. Pending re-referral HF 2566 (Reyer) Process for removing fraudulent business filings established, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
4. HF 2744 (Jordan) St. Anthony Falls study due date extended.
5. HF 1685 (Kraft) Commissioner of Minnesota IT Services directed to integrate the transit assistance program into the Minnesota benefits web portal, and money appropriated.
6. HF 1389 (Kozlowski) State-owned land in the Cloquet Forestry Center transferred to the University of Minnesota, defeasance of outstanding debt on certain state bond financed.
7. HF 501 (Finke) Equal rights under the law provided and discrimination based on the listed characteristics prohibited, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT, have OCR capability, and emailed to the Committee Administrator at by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 20 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the Committee Administrator at by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
AMENDMENTS: Amendments must be emailed to the Committee Administrator at by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State Government Finance and Policy webpage.
VIEWING: This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.
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