[The Stadiums Task Force amended and adopted these rules at the November 29, 2001 hearing.]
1. All meetings of the Stadiums Task Force shall be open to the public.
2. All votes shall be decided by a majority of those voting, directly or by proxy.
3. Except as noted below, all votes shall be cast by voice vote. Upon request by a member of the Task Force, there shall
be a recorded roll call vote.
4. Agendas for all meetings shall be circulated to the Task Force members and issued to the public at least as far in
advance as three business days.
5. Draft recommendations, if any, shall be circulated to the Task Force members at least three business days in advance of
the meeting where there will be a vote to release the draft recommendations. It is requested that the Task Force members treat these draft recommendations as confidential until
that meeting.
6. Task Force members may assign the proxy for their vote to another Task Force member. Such assignments of proxy
must be supported in writing and be presented to the
chair of the meeting on the day of the meeting and prior to a vote.
7. A record of all testimony, exhibits, and proceedings of the Task Force shall be maintained and filed with the appropriate
legislative repositories and the Minnesota Historical
8. On all parliamentary questions not covered by these rules, the co-chairs shall rely primarily on Mason's Manual of
Legislative Procedure.