Saint Paul, Minn. – Today, the Minnesota House DFL announced their 2025 session priorities at a Head Start training center in Minneapolis. Democrats are focused on reducing costs for Minnesotans in areas like child care, health care, and housing, and protecting Minnesotans’ freedoms. Their complete agenda is available here.
“While the Republicans continue to play fake House, DFLers are focused on the issues and policies that improve the lives of Minnesotans — which is what Minnesotans are expecting of us,” said Speaker-designate Melissa Hortman. “While corporate profits continue to grow, Minnesota workers are not receiving their fair share of the wealth they create. Everyone has a story of being nickeled and dimed, overcharged and underpaid, and it’s time for that to change. DFLers are working on lowering costs, reducing stress in people’s lives, and building an economy with jobs that have wages and benefits that can support a family.”
“Democrats are fighting for a fair economy and a future where every Minnesotan, not just the wealthy and well-connected, can get ahead,” said DFL Floor Leader Jamie Long. “Meanwhile, Republicans are attempting an illegitimate power grab in the Minnesota House not just to overturn the will of voters and unseat a duly elected representative, but also to roll back critical solutions like paid family leave, lower prescription drug costs, and our state’s clean energy transition, and we refuse to let them. Our session priorities reflect many of the most important actions we can take at the Capitol to lower costs and protect the ability of working families to thrive.”
DFLers are working to ensure children can get the great start they deserve, and parents have the opportunity to pursue their careers by providing affordable, accessible childcare and early learning opportunities throughout Minnesota. Democrats will reduce the cost of child care for hard-working Minnesotans.
“Every child in Minnesota deserves a great start to life, and we all benefit when that happens, but financial restrictions and a dearth of childcare options are steering young people away from becoming parents,” said Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn (DFL – Eden Prairie), co-chair of the Minnesota House Children and Families Finance & Policy Committee. “Making Minnesota the best place to raise a family means ensuring everyone can put food on the table so no child goes hungry, making childcare more affordable so parents can work or go to school, and partnering with parents and caregivers so every child in Minnesota is safe and supported as they grow. I’m eager to get to work with my Republican colleagues so we can do the work Minnesotans sent us here to do.”
DFLers are also working to ensure families and future generations can live and thrive here by making stable housing more affordable by jumpstarting construction of more starter homes and affordable homes to rent, closing racial disparities in home ownership, and cracking down on out-of-state corporations and hedge funds that are taking away home ownership opportunities from Minnesotans and illegally price gouging renters.
“Whether you are a young person trying to find a place to rent or a working family seeking to buy a home for the first time, the increasing cost of housing is pricing Minnesotans out of the American Dream,” said Rep. Michael Howard (DFL – Richfield), co-chair of the Housing Finance and Policy Committee. “Minnesota will be stronger when every person has a home they can afford in a community where they want to live and thrive. Our plan will jumpstart the construction of more homes to own and to rent, and crack down on the hedge funds and corporations scooping up homes and illegally raising your rent. Minnesotans are telling us loud and clear that the cost of housing is too expensive. They’re right. We plan to take action.”
DFLers will prioritize people’s health and reign in the private profits of health care, insurance, and drug companies that are harming and exploiting Minnesotans. Democrats will expand access to out-of-pocket price caps on prescription drugs; increase access to dental, maternal, and mental health care in underserved communities across the state; combat the reduction and elimination of hospital services, particularly in Greater Minnesota; and continue working to expand mental health care including treatment for substance use disorder.
“DFLers continue our daily work to meet the pressing needs of access to mental health care, lowering prescription drug costs, addressing hospital shortages and service cuts, and improving reimbursement rates for providers,” said Rep. Robert Bierman (DFL-Apple Valley), co-chair of the House Health Finance & Policy Committee. “Let's work together to build a stronger, more prosperous, and healthier future for all.”
“Our healthcare system is difficult to navigate and costly. Barriers prevent access to adequate healthcare, and disparity in pricing places an undue burden on families,” said Rep. Kaohly Her (DFL – Saint Paul), co-chair of the House Commerce Finance & Policy Committee. “State government has a responsibility to protect people and create a fairer, safer Minnesota for all. That means working to increase access to affordable healthcare, ensure that consumers are protected, and advocate policies that lift up working families. These will be my priorities this year.”
Additionally, DFLers are committed to supporting and protecting the freedoms of Minnesotans to make their own decisions about their lives and their reproductive rights, protecting our climate and clean water, creating opportunities for good family-supporting jobs, and a public education system that prepares students to pursue their dreams.
Video of the news conference is available on the House DFL Facebook page.