SAINT PAUL, MN. – Tomorrow, Thursday, March 6 at 2:30 p.m., the House DFL and gun violence prevention advocates will hold a press conference on the Republican Shoot First legislation, HF 13, scheduled for the day’s House floor session. HF 13 would remove Minnesota’s duty to retreat, allowing Minnesotans to shoot first when they feel threatened.
WHAT: Press Conference on Shoot First Bill
WHEN: Tomorrow, Thursday, March 6 at 2:30 p.m.
WHO: Rep. Kelly Moller (DFL-Shoreview); Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL-St. Paul); Rep. Athena Hollins (DFL-St. Paul); Susie Kaufman, Minnesota Moms Demand Action Chapter Leader; Maggiy Emery, Protect Minnesota Executive Director.
WHERE: Minnesota Capitol Press Conference Room B971. The press conference will be streamed on the House DFL’s Facebook page.