Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF3088 (Hayden) Children and family service technical and policy provisions changed, Minnesota family investment program and adult supports provisions changed, and child welfare provisions changed (pending passage from Civil Justice) (1st on the agenda)
HF3239 (Abeler) Licensing provisions changed, and background study requirements, disqualifications, and data classification modified (pending passage from Civil Justice) (3rd on the agenda)
Bills Added:
(Greiling) - Child care centers required to develop a risk reduction plan, and the term nonmaltreatment mistake defined.
(Slawik) - Early childhood education provided.
Minnesota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
School Readiness Connections Pilot Project Final Evaluation
Department of Human Services
Saint Paul Early Childhood Scholarship Program Evaluation: Implementation in Year 2
Rob Grunewald, associate economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Pre-Kindergarten Allowances Project Final Evaluation
Dr. Scott McConnell, Professor, educational psychology and Center for Early Education and Development, University of Minnesota
Child Care Advisory Task Force Recommendations Report (2nd on agenda)
Bills Added:
(Peterson) - Early childhood community partnerships grant program created, and money appropriated.
(Kulick Jackson) - Child care assistance program modified.
Dr. Robert Anda, senior scientific consultant, Centers for Disease Control
Dr. Megan Gunnar, regents professor of child development, Institute of Child Development, U of M
Dr. Richard Chase, senior research scientist, Wilder Research
Danielle Ewen, director of child care and early education, Center for Law and Social Policy
Karen Carlson, early learning services director, Department of Education
Gayle Kelly, executive director, MN Head Start Association