Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Testimony from Bloomington and Edina early care and education programs
Richard Chase, Consulting Scientist, Wilder Foundation
Sandy Vargas, President and CEO, Minneapolis Foundation
HF1850 (Haws) Administration of training and employment functions reorganized, responsibilities transferred to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
Walk through Omnibus Early Childhood Finance and Policy delete-everything amendment to HF1026 (Slawik) Early childhood education provisions amended. Discussion only. (The delete everything amendment will be available on Monday, April 6)
HF2028 (Slawik) Departments of Human Services, Health, and Education required to establish an inventory of early childhood services.
HF2124 (Murphy, E) Child care center licensing requirements modified.