Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
(Kiffmeyer) - Nursing facility rate equalization modified.
(Abeler) - Return on taxpayer investment methodology and practices for human services and corrections programs study and recommendation development money appropriated.
(Lohmer) - Out-of-state residential mental health treatment allowed for children who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing and who use American Sign Language as their first language.
(Slawik) - Children absent days limit exception provided.
(Murphy) - Sexual violence prevention demonstration grants money appropriated.
(Hamilton) - ICF/DD care contingent rate reductions repealed.
(Abeler) - Health and human services omnibus bill.
(Abeler) - Disability services parental contributions, personal care assistance program state agency hearings, assessment and support planning, congregate rate reduction, housing with services consultation, foster care licensing moratorium, and residential settings for home and community-based services modified; and Community First Choice Option developed.
If you wish to testify, email Christine Kiel at
Bills Added:
(Peppin) - Child care accreditation provisions modified.
(Abeler) - Pediatric care coordination services provided, demonstration providers required to include in provider networks all providers that agree to standard contract terms, patient-centered decision making required under all medical assistance, managed care and county-based purchasing plans required to reduce the incidence of low birth weight, competitive bidding program established for the metro area, and draft methodology report required.
Evaluation of Health and Human Services Regulatory Responsibilities Report, MDH
Community Benefit Report, MDH
Federally Qualified Health Care Centers/Health Care Homes Certification Update, MDH
Bills Added:
(Abeler) - Patient health records copy fee prohibition provision removed, hospital safety survey information public report required, Department of Health's economics program transferred to the Department of Commerce, commissioner of health required to study possible effects of allowing for-profit HMOs to operate in the state, and patient health information release requirements modified.