Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Presentation of reports due to the Legislature:
Alzheimer's Disease, MDH
Nursing Home Regulation Relief, MDH
Nursing Facility Pilot Project, DHS & MDH
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation, DHS
Implementation Status and Update from DHS on the following topics:
Minnesota Medical Assistance Reform Waivers
County Service Delivery Authority
White Earth Human Services Delivery
Emergency Medical Assistance (EMA)
Anyone who wishes to testify on the named topics, send an e-mail to
Governor's 2012 Capital Budget Recommendations for Department of Human Services
HFxxx (Howes) Capital Improvements; authorizing Hennepin County to construct center for providing mental health services to children; appropriating money to construct a new Washburn Center for Children; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
Managed Care Competitive Bid Update
Update from DHS on the RFP Process
Update on Moving People into Managed Care
Update on Waiver Request Process
Update on the Implementation of the Defined Contribution
Hennepin County Health Demo
Insurance Exchange Task Force Update